
This guide contains the location of all golden eggs in the newly Easter-decorated space rig.


Golden Eggs?

  • yes they’re littered around the space rig in a bunch of hidden locations

What are they?

  • just eggs

Are they special?

  • not really aside from the inside being golden and shiny after throwing them

What happens if I collect them all?

  • nothing as far as I know

Is this guide spoiler free?

  • いいえ, if you want to find them on your own I advise you to leave and go look yourself, がある 31 卵

Main Area | 10 卵

卵 1
Right underneath the Mineral Trade Terminal.

卵 2
Behind Lloyd’s Abyss Bar counter on his left.

卵 3
Through below Today’s Special Beer, underneath a chair.

卵 4
Under the Barrel Hoop game, tucked away to the right of the bottom small ladder.

卵 5
Just like the last egg but this one is to the left in between two of the three pipes.

卵 6
Past to the left of The Forge inside a bucket of Rockpox.

卵 7
Underneath the Deep Dive Terminal right next to a car battery.

卵 8
On top of the Deep Dive Terminal next to a few other eggs.

卵 9
To the left behind the Deep Dive Terminal tucked into the corner of it.

卵 10
Beneath the leg of the giant blue M.U.L.E

Upper Area/Hangar | 13 卵

卵 11
When you ride the elevator (Way across to the left of the Deep Dive Terminal), directly to your right.

卵 12
From the previous egg go to the left of elevator and look to your right behind a pipe.

卵 13
Right across from the previous egg through and inside the tunnel by the dripping water.

卵 14
Across the previous egg on the grate tucked into the corner.

卵 15
Behind the big easter bunny (Only reachable by drinking Underhill Deluxe).

卵 16
Right towards the gravity calibration button below a metal plate.

卵 17
Across the previous egg within a small hole by a Rockpox bucket.

卵 18
Ahead of the previous egg nested on a ledge of the giant pipe.

卵 19
Atop the drop pod close to the giant big carrot.

卵 20
Just ahead the previous egg, atop the drop pod again next to the exhaust.

卵 21
Against the base of the ladder to the left of the gravity calibration button.

卵 22
In the upper hangar area to the left side in between two way bigger eggs.

卵 23
Just like the other egg but to the right side at the base of the ladder.

Memorial Hall | 8 卵

卵 24

卵 25

卵 26

卵 27

卵 28

卵 29

卵 30

卵 31
All the remaining eggs surround the statues on top of the lights.

このガイドについて ディープ・ロック・ギャラクティック によって書かれた Sikorz. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
