Horse Tales ですべての野生馬を見つける場所: エメラルド バレー ランチ

Horses is actually the main highlight of the game Horse Tales: エメラルド バレー ランチ. There are lots of horses that you can find in the wild, but not all of them can be easily spotted. While most of the horses in the game are casually strolling the mountains, some of the rare ones are hiding somewhere. These rare horses in Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch are considered a treasure, and if you’re wanting to have one, このガイドはあなたのためのものです.

位置 #1

Follow the path out of the village/mayor’s house, and you will find the first wild horses on the right side of you.

位置 #2

Near a beach house (where a sandcastle can be found), on the left side of it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Can only be accessed through the Felix Estate!

位置 #3

Follow the path from the estate to Matteo’s house, you will find them in the open area on the right side

位置 #4

From the sneaky tracks, follow the path into the greenwood hills, stay on the left path till yuo find a open area, there will be some wilds on the right side of you.

位置 #5

From location 4, cross over the river by using the bridge (if not there, make it), continue forward till you find the wilds.

位置 #6

From location 4, cross over the river by using the bridge (if not there, make it) and then follow the path to the right. Once you have a house on your left side, follow the path to the right, where another house will be (Another bridge that you have to make). Continue following into clay marshes, there will be a herd on the left side if you continue to go straight.

位置 #7

From the Sneakytracks, follow the path towards the crossroad forest. Take the right path to swan valley heights, on the left side at swan valley heights, you will find a herd.

位置 #8

From location 7, go up the hill towards the swan, there should be a herd there.

位置 #9

From location 7, follow the road into the cave. After the cave, go left and follow that road ill the cross in the road towards the village, keep following it till you come across the windmill race. Keep following the road still till you hit coral lagoon

SIDE NOTE: This place can also be accessed by going straight in the crossroad forest, into the cave.

Herd can be found if you follow the road up the small hill.

位置 #10

From location 9, if you keep following the path towards crab beach, keep going down till you find the place azurine delta (also known for a mission location). On one of the swampy island a herd can be found.

SIDE NOTE: might be easier to go trough clay marshes and take the left path.

位置 #11

From the harber, follow the left path into the beach area. From there follow the path to the Fladlands race. There should be a herd in the circle.

このガイドについて ホーステイルズ: エメラルド バレー ランチ によって書かれた . 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
