Ahiru no Sora

Ahiru no Sora Episode 10 출시일; 온라인으로 시청할 수 있는 곳?

메모: This post contains spoilers from the previous episode, Ahiru no Sora Episode 8. 자신의 책임하에 계속 읽으십시오.

It’s official, Kenji Natsume is finally a member of the Kuzuryu High Basketball Team. Kenji, who almost got expelled from the school, realized that she needs to prove something, not only to himself but also for the people who believed in him.

에서 이전 에피소드, we have seen Kenji, also known as Kite, asked for a second chance and told the advisor that he would be bringing the team to the inter-high tournament. The principal heard it and gave him the opportunity to prove himself.

Now that a new player has been added to the Kuzuryu High Basketball Team line-up, will they be able to become one of the greatest teams in the league?

When is Ahiru no Sora Episode 10 방송 날짜?

Ahiru No Sora
Kenji Natsume

Ahiru no Sora’s new episode releases every Wednesday at 6:25 오후 (PST) in Japan under Diomedea studio. No expected delayed-release for the upcoming episode, so basketball anime fans should be ready to watch Ahiru no Sora Episode 10 12 월 4, 2019.

Where to watch Ahiru no Sora Episode 10?

Ahiru No Sora
Sora Kurumatani

This basketball anime is officially licensed to stream on Crunchyroll and HiDive. 그렇게 말하면, you will be able to legally watch Ahiru no Sora Episode 10 from any of the two mentioned streaming platform.

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