Bloody Hell Achievement Walkthrough Guide

Helpful overview and guide through all the achievements of the game.

스토리 관련 업적

Hello There
Go to Hell. Literally.

Steamed Ham
Defeat Pork Chop.

The floor is
Defeat Maggy.

The part where it kills you
Defeat a former ally.

Bloody Hell
Defeat Satan.

There is a new ruler in town
Defeat the former ruler of all.

All of these achievements are story related and can’t be missed.

Sunday Bloody Sunday


Sunday Bloody Sunday
Finish the game on His day of rest.

게임 끝내기 (until the credits) on a Sunday. Not tested, but it should be possible to get the achievement by changing the day of your computer to Sunday before starting up and finishing the game.

Look At All Those Chickens! / LivinOn A Prayer


Livinon a prayer
Be halfway in finding all chickens.

Of the 18 chickens collectibles, 찾다 9.


Look at all those chickens!
Collect all 18 Chickens.

Collect them all!

At the bottom of the guide, you’ll find a map with all the chicken placements and blood vials. Remember that some of them need other updates and backtracking to be obtained. It’s best to collect everything just before going to Satan.



Unlock all Blood Vials.

Another thing to collect. 다시: at the bottom of the guide, you’ll find a map with all the chicken placements and blood vials. Remember that some of them need other updates and backtracking to be obtained. It’s best to collect everything just before going to Satan.

I Summon Thee

I Summon Thee
Create a Satanic Star.

Use the Ultimate Charge to draw a star. A Satanic Star is a star drawn in an anticlockwise manner. From your starting point, draw the point to the left and continue. It doesn’t have to be a perfect star to work, as long as it has five points. 추가적으로, you don’t have to damage any enemies for the achievement to trigger.

The easiest place to obtain it is in the large arena of the first boss fight after you’ve defeated it.

지도 (Chickens, Vials and more)

이 가이드는 Bloody Hell 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Feliceluna. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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