선배의 부름: Waifu Warfare 2

선배 와이푸 전쟁의 부름 2 컨트롤 및 단축키

선배의 부름: Waifu Warfare 2 has finally been launched and you’re now to take control of Maria as she conquers the world. This page will detail all the important Call of Senpai: Waifu Warfare 2 controls that you can use in the game.

선배의 부름: Waifu Warfare 2 통제 수단

Here are the default key bindings and shortcuts of Call of Senpai: Waifu Warfare 2.

앞으로 움직이다
왼쪽으로 이동
뒤로 이동에스
오른쪽으로 이동해라
Baseball Bat or Change the Radio Station in the Car1
Drive Unit3
Put Everything in Your Pocket4
Change Target with Baseball Bat
불 (Only for Aim)왼쪽 마우스 버튼
목표마우스 오른쪽 버튼
일시정지 메뉴Esc
선배의 부름: Waifu Warfare 2 통제 수단

With all the controls listed above, you’re now ready to showcase your skills in Call of Senpai: Waifu Warfare 2.

저자 소개

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