일광으로 죽다

일광으로 죽다 – 캠핑과 터널링이란?

Dead by Daylight’s most beloved mechanics are explained in simple terms. Below are some friendly asked questions for beginners.

What is tunneling?

Tunneling is when a killer repeatedly hooks the same survivor while ignoring all others.

What is camping?

Camping is when a killer stays close to a hooked survivor, making it difficult for other survivors to rescue them, and/or to get a “무료” hit or down.

Is tunneling bannable?

아니요, tunneling is not against the rules and can be a viable strategy in certain situations.

Is camping bannable?

아니요, camping is not against the rules and can be a viable strategy in certain situations.

이 가이드는 일광으로 죽다 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Ash J. Skillcheck. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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