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PC용 Expedition Zero Controls 가이드

This guide will be showing you the complete list of Expedition Zero controls using mouse and keyboard on Windows PC. Expedition Zero is an action-horror video game developed by Enigmatic Machines and published by TinyBuild. 이 가이드를 만드는 시점에서, Expedition Zero is currently available on PC via Steam.

Expedition Zero Controls

시작하기 전에, be reminded that you can change and remap these default Expedition Zero key bindings in the settings section of the game.

왼쪽 마우스 버튼
목표마우스 오른쪽 버튼
새로고침아르 자형
웅크림Ctrl 키
Close Prompt엑스
Disable Tutorial와이
Up Context Menu마우스 휠 업
Down Context Menu마우스 휠 다운
상호 작용이자형
지도 열기
Open Objectives영형
Rotate Placed Item아르 자형
Toggle Inventory
Quick Slot 11
Quick Slot 22
Quick Slot 33
Quick Slot 44
Quick Slot 55
Expedition Zero Controls

Does Expedition Zero have controller support?

  • While the official Steam page of Expedition Zero does not include any details about the controller support, the game itself has default controller button bindings. This only means that you can play Expedition Zero using a gamepad controller.

And this is everything you need to learn about the default Expedition Zero keybindings and shortcuts. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions to improve this guide by leaving a comment below.

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