얼어붙은 불꽃

PC용 얼어붙은 불꽃 제어 가이드

This page offers a list of all Frozen Flame controls and keyboard shortcuts for Windows PC. Frozen Flame is an open-world survival video game developed by Dreamside Interactive. The game is currently available on PC via Steam for $25.49 미화. Note that this price may change depending on your region.

Frozen Flame Controls

The following are the default Frozen Flame key bindings. You can change these default controls by going to Settings > Controls tab.

앞으로 움직이다
뒤로 이동에스
왼쪽으로 이동
오른쪽으로 이동해라
가벼운 공격왼쪽 마우스 버튼
차단하다마우스 오른쪽 버튼
Quick Access Slot 11
Quick Access Slot 22
Quick Access Slot 33
Quick Access Slot 44
Quick Access Slot 55
Quick Access Slot 66
Quick Access Slot 77
Quick Access Slot 88
Ability Slot 1
Ability Slot 2엑스
Ability Slot 3
웅크림왼쪽 Ctrl
스프린트왼쪽 시프트
Access아르 자형
Book of Memories
Hide User InterfaceF10
Frozen Flame Controls

Note that there are some unassigned actions in the game, including the Dodge action. We highly recommend that you add your desired key to this action.

저자 소개

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