직선 도로가 아닌 완벽한 패리에서 모든 보스를 물리치는 방법: 앙코르 에디션

Easy-ish way to get the Master Yourself, Master the Enemy Achievement.


Simply put, the parry mechanic in this game is not very well implemented (sometimes you wait until after the attack has landed, other times you have to make sure it hasn’t?) and I wanted completionists with sensory/motor disabilities to have a way of getting 100% in an easier way.

If you absolutely, positively struggle with this achievement and can’t get it no matter what, even with this method, please feel free to DM me. I don’t want to potentially get blacklisted from Steam if I mention any exterior sources of help, but I am always willing to give out information privately.

Basic Info

Are you a completionist for any reason and the Perfect Parry mode is just too difficult for you? Turns out there’s a way to get to it much easier.

As of when this guide was written (십월 22, 2023), if you play every boss on perfect parry mode with the Rehearsal Pass equipped, then complete a boss on the same mode without itthe achievement will unlock. I have no idea if this is intentional or not on behalf of the devs, but if you use this technique, it should make unlocking the achievement MUCH easier.

If you don’t like using exploits, you can try practising parry mode using the pass until you know each boss by heart, then complete it without the pass.

Detailed Info

1. Equip the Rehearsal Pass sticker in the sewers, at Zuke’s workshop. It will enable you to fight the bosses without taking damage, but you won’t get any fans or rank. Don’t worry about this now.

2. Beat every boss on Perfect Parry mode with it enabled. You will no it’s enabled with the OFF AIR text at the bottom of the screen.

3. BE CAREFUL DURING YINU’S FIGHT. At the end of the fight, Yinu will start throwing triplets at you; if you get hit once, you’re dead. Look at a video guide or keep practising on easier difficulties until you feel comfortable enough dodging them perfectly.

4. Once you beat every boss, no trophy will unlock. 괜찮아요, that’s okay.

5. Pick a boss you are very well versed in and beat it on Perfect Parry mode after removing the Rehearsal Pass sticker. IMO, pick a boss where there’s an equal amount of parrying and melee combat so that even if you miss a parry/get hit, you have a way of regaining health immediately.

6. Tips for EVE (since I got the achievement with her): during the first phase of her fight, keep hitting the disembodied hands to keep up a combo/keep your health meter up. 또한, during the second and third phases, when the eyes on the wall open, DON’T MOVE. Stay still and the room won’t be turned upside down/throw projectiles at you. Use the dodge mechanic when the hand is throwing projectiles at you, and when the foot is about to stomp, move slightly so it doesn’t hit you but you’re still able to parry it.


I have no idea if this exploit is intentional or not by the devs, but if you really need 100% completion on a game and Parry Mode is a pain in the ass, you might as well use this method while you can. Remember that games should be FUN more than anything, and that if a gaming experience is too frustrating for you but you still feel the need to get every achievement no matter what, it’s okay to use methods to make the gaming experience more enjoyable.

이 가이드는 No Straight Roads: 앙코르 에디션 에 의해 작성되었습니다 The Flying Red Robot. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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