How to Centralize All Mineral Resources in One Outpost in Starfield

이 안내서에서, we will explain how to build a series of outposts to channel all the mineral resources in the game to just one planet.

Required Skills and Preparation

Required skills:

Scanning level 4 (Science tree) to determine suitable outpost locations.

Planetary habitation level 4 (Science tree) to have the maximum number of outposts.

Oupost management level 1 (사회의) to have 6 inter-system links instead of 3.

Bonus Skills (if you want highly productive outposts):

Outpost engineering



Special project

첫 번째, choose a planet to centralize your operations. It simply needs to be a planet with helium-3He. I recommend a moon without an atmosphere or gravity. 몸소, I started this organization on a Sparta II-a moon.

다음, we will set up a series of outposts to maximize the number of resources produced at each outpost and bring all these elements back to our central planet, where we will build two outposts side by side with 11 inter-system cargo links.

Mineral Element Families in Starfield

It’s important to understand that mineral resources in Starfield are categorized intofamiliesconsisting of five elements each. Within each family, elements can layer on planets, so we’re looking for planets where the first four layers are present (흔한, 드문, 희귀한, and exotic).

Here’s the table of element families. The lead and copper families have two options each:

Basic Logic for Our Outposts

Outpost Design of the central outpost : Set up a substantial production of Helium-3 and numerous storage containers. Connect the storage to all inter-system cargo link export boxes (빨간색으로) and fuel boxes (in blue).

On the production outposts, you will receive helium-3, set up a storage container, and connect the import box (in green) to this storage. 그 다음에, connect this storage to the fuel box (in blue).

On each outpost, all that’s left to do is to set up extractors, resource storages, and connect all these storages via a transfer container to the export box (빨간색으로) of the production outposts.

List of outposts to build

지금, here is the list of outposts to construct and the best planets (Scanning skill is crucial here to determine where to settle).

If you have to trouble to find the planet systems, here is a map :

On planet Bohr IV (Bohr System), we will set up an outpost that will extract Copper, Fluorine, 금, and Antimony.

On planet Stellis D (Cheyenne system), we will establish an outpost that will extract Nickel, 코발트, Platinum, and Palladium.

On planet Denebola III-a (Denebola system), we will set up an outpost that will extract Iron, Alkanes, Tantalum, and Ytterbium.

On planet Jaffa VII-b (Jaffa system), we will establish an outpost that will extract Lead, 텅스텐, Titanium, and Dysprosium.

On planet Heilein V-b (Jaffa system), we will set up an outpost that will extract Aluminum, Beryllium, Neodymium, and Europium.

On planet Eridani III (Eridani system), we will establish an outpost that will extract Uranium, Iridium, Vanadium, and Plutonium.

On planet Charybda VIII-b (Charybde system), we will set up an outpost that will extract Argon, Benzene, Carboxylic Acids, and Neon.

On planet Procyon III (Procyon A system), we will establish an outpost that will extract Copper, Fluorine, Tetrafluorides, and Ionic Liquids.

On planet Sirius II (Sirius system), we will set up an outpost that will extract Chlorine, Chlorosilanes, Lithium, and Xenon.

On planet Freya III (Freya system), we will establish an outpost that will extract Silver and Mercury. There are many other planets where these two elements exist; it’s not the rarest planet to find.

On planet Heinlein IV-b (Heilein system), we will establish an outpost that will extract the last missing element, Cesium. I’m not sure why, but in the element families system, Cesium and Xenon are interchangeable and found in the same layer. I haven’t found a planet where you can find Chlorine, Chlorosilanes, Lithium, Xenon, and Cesium all in the same place, but it may exist somewhere.

Unique Resources (Tasine, Rothicite, Veryl, Aldumite, Vytinium, Indicite)

Regarding unique resources, they are only present on a single planet in the entire universe, so it’s impossible to have outposts with all lower layers.

You can build a third outpost next to the two already present, with a significant Helium-3 production, and place six inter-system links. Here are the planets where you should install outposts to harvest the 6 unique resources:

Tasine (Tsn): Huygens VII-a

Rothicite (Rc): Carinae III-a

Veryl (Vr): Verne I

Aldumite (기원 후): Schrödinger II

Vytinium (Vy): 디écarane VII-a

Indicite (Ie): Katydid III


I hope this guide will be useful for those who want to optimize outpost creation to the fullest!

Here’s what my base looks like from above with three outposts side by side and 18 inter-system links (there are some display issues, 하지만 당신은 아이디어를 얻을).

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