레드 데드 리뎀션 2 할인

Red Dead Redemption에서 Saint Denis 경찰을 쉽게 잃는 방법 2

Anyone that’s committed a crime in Saint Denis and tried to escape knows that leaving town in pretty much any direction will result in police spawning ahead of you to block your path. It can be frustrating, especially given the police that spawn in are mounted and will give chase. So you accidentally tackle someone while trying to get on your horse and all the sudden you’re on a cross-country escape from the law. 잘, this guide explains the method I use to lose them while not leaving Saint Denis.


Reference Map

원래, you want to take 1 에게 3, avoiding 2, and alternate moving north and and south to get the police to spawn and de-spawn at 4 그리고 5. I’ll elaborate below.

Head to the road west of the cemetery

In the reference map, you want to head to the arrow marked as 1. If you’ve tried leaving the city this way while wanted before, you know that mounted police spawn at the 엑스 marked 2. You want to avoid these, if possible, but even if they spawn you want to head west between the house on the corner and the little cluster of shops to the north (where Algeron Wasp’s milliner shop is).

You’ll see a big tree. Keep booking it west. You’re headed for the 엑스‘s labeled 3 on the reference map.

Get to the Properties East of the Mayor’s House

Getting In Position

You want to get to one of the properties marked with X’s as 3 on the reference map. I prefer the one on the right (or east) but you need to be outside the ‘WANTEDcircle and sometimes the police that spawn in at 2 will push the circle over too far. The reason I prefer the one on the right is because we’re going to be moving up and down (north and south) and if there’s a worker in the yard they’ll sometimes tattle on you for trespassing. The easterly property is smaller, so you have more room to work with.


The goal here is to get the police to spawn and de-spawn, as I said under the reference map. If you go far enough north, they spawn on the road around the X marked 4 on the reference map. 그 다음에, if you head south, the ones that just spawned at 4 will disappear, and some guys will come in at the X marked 5 대신에. Head back north, same thing, the guys on Milyonne Ave will remember they’re all late for a dentist appointment and frig-off.

You can see them spawned on Milyonne in this picture (plus me flexing on having LOTE and the ram skull mask).

And in this one, they’re north again and the ones to the south are gone. Sometimes you’ll see riderless horses running around, ~도. Not sure why the game despawns the police and not the horse but it’s a good way to get a decent secondary horse, ~도. 또한, on the minimap for the above picture, you’ll see a little white witness icon; that’s from trespassing. It happens, sometimes I threaten them or kill them silently but it’s usually not an issue in my experience.


What I normally do after I’m notWANTEDanymore is head straight north (okay more like NNW) into the swamp and set up camp. Then I fast-travel to Rhodes and pay my bounty. Saint Denis is absolutely obnoxious when you have a bounty and the police are looking for you. It’s intentional, I know, but you’re not getting anything done in Saint Denis when they’re looking for you. This method, 내 생각에는, is quicker and cheaper because you don’t have riders chasing you; you don’t have to outrun their vision or pay for killing them or their horses. Hope this helps! Let me know if I can help clarify something, or if I made a mistake.

이 가이드는 레드 데드 리뎀션 2 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Old Man Jenkins. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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