PAYDAY에서 모드를 사용할 때 지연을 해결하는 방법 3

This is a quick guide on how to fix the issue of intense lag when using mods.

우리가 지금까지 알고 있는 것

If you’re already using mods then you’re probably facing a huge lag when playing followed by audio not playing or loading taking 3x longer.

This happens because PD3 requires you to add “-fileopenlogto your game start options for you to be able to play with mods, but this configuration causes performance issues. Some players says to have fixed it by installing the game on a SSD, but since not everyone has one we need a workaround for it


먼저 첫 번째 것들, remove “-fileopenlogfrom your game start options

UE4SS / Allow Pak Mods

Download this mod: Mod Link


Right click PD3 on your Steam library and browse through the game files.

Head toPAYDAY3\Binaries\Win64and extract all contents from the .zip folder you downloaded in there. Should look like this:


Inside the mods folder you extracted there’s amods.txt” 파일.

Open it then find the line that saysAllowModsModand replace 0 ~와 함께 1

Personal note: I’ve set all other mods in my .txt file to 0 and so far I didn’t got any issues ingame.

If you have any issues try setting everything to 0 except forKeybinds” 그리고 “AllowModsMod”.

You’re all set to install mods and play.

To install mods (if this is your first time installing any) 로 향하다 “PAYDAY3\Content\Paksand create a folder named~mods”. Then once you download your mods simply extract the .pak file inside it and you’re done.

Final Words

Thanks for reading and big thanks to Narknon on modworkshop for uploading the mod.

This whole guide was created based on my own experience, which means I hope it helps and works for you the same way it worked for me.

이 가이드는 월급날 3 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Berk Rider. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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