잠금 해제 방법 “부자” Omen Exit에서의 성과: 역병

This guide will show you how to unlock the Omen Exitio: Plague achievement called “부자”.

Father and son Achievement

The paternal presence of your mentor has protected you from madness during the final moments of your life.

메모: you only need to choose 3 ~의 6 friendly options to get this achievement. I’ve marked these friendly options with an asterisk

-When you first talk to Rogers and are given the options of friendly 또는 annoyed, 선택하다 friendly*
-When you are talking to Smith and are given the options of waitdoubt, 또는 criticize, 선택하다 doubt*
-When you notice something is troubling Rogers and you are given the options of ask 또는 avoid, 선택하다 ask*
-After having a talk with Lloyd under the tree when you are given the options of lieutenantinterpreterdiary, 또는 march, 선택하다 lieutenant*
-In the grotto where the child sacrifice is about to take place, when you are given the options of wait 또는 intervene, 선택하다 wait 그 다음에 cover* 또는 intervene 그 다음에 cover*
-After you have the nightmare about your wife and are given the options of calm 또는 furious, 선택하다 calm
-During the ambush, when you are given the options of LloydRogers, 또는 rear door, 선택하다 Rogers
-After Lloyd runs off to distract the savages and you are given the options of escape 또는 wait, 선택하다 wait*
-In the pit when you are given the options of nostalgia 또는 anger, 선택하다 nostalgia

이 가이드는 징조 출구: 역병 에 의해 작성되었습니다 honeybaby. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

저자 소개