Isles of Etherion Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Are you having a hard time navigating into the world of Isles of Etherion? Worry no more as this guide will show you the complete list Isles of Etherion controls and keyboard shortcuts. Isles of Etherion is 3rd-person open-world ARPG developed and published by Luna Orion. The game is currently available on multiple platforms including PlayStation, 엑스박스, 닌텐도 스위치, Steam을 통한 Windows PC.

Isles of Etherion Controls

The following are the default Isles of Etherion key bindings. You can change these default controls by going to Settings > Controls tab.

앞으로 움직이다
뒤로 이동에스
왼쪽으로 이동
오른쪽으로 이동해라
기본 공격왼쪽 마우스 버튼
상호 작용에프
Hot SwapCaps Lock
Toggle Spell Mode마우스 오른쪽 버튼
Toggle Flying
스프린트왼쪽 시프트
퀘스트 로그제이
기술 도표
Achievements Info와이
일시정지 메뉴Esc
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퀵슬롯 22
퀵슬롯 33
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퀵슬롯 11삭제
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Isles of Etherion Controls

마우스 및 키보드 지원 외에도, the developer of the game has also confirmed that Isles of Etherion has full controller support. 그래서, what does it mean? It only means that you can use a gamepad controller without facing any major issues when playing the game.

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