후광: 마스터 치프 컬렉션

방패에 굶주리다 업적 – 후광: 마스터 치프 컬렉션

This guide will be covering the steps on how you can easily obtain the achievement calledStarved For Shieldsin Halo: 마스터 치프 컬렉션.

Starved For Shields
후광 2: Complete a level with only the Streaking Skull active on Heroic or Legendary.

How to Unlock Starved For Shields Achievement

방법 #1: 이교도

The first method is the easiest and most simple way to get this achievement. Activate the Streaking Skull and load up The Heretic on Legendary, skip/watch the cut scene and the achievement is yours.

방법 #2: 병기고

All you have to do is complete basic training and follow Johnson to the bridge. 쉬운.

방법 #3: Co-Op

If heretic doesn’t work and since Armory isn’t available in co-op, Outskirts is a great map if you are going for this achievement with a friend. Simply skip the first 3 firefights by running along the rooftops, and then in the second half drive past the encounters in the warthog.

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저자 소개

Earl은 거의 모든 새로운 게임을 플레이하는 게이머 중 한 명입니다.. 하지만 그는 FPS와 오픈 월드 게임을 더 선호합니다..