Farthest Frontier

Farthest Frontier Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Developer and publisher Crate Entertainment has just started the early access for their newest city builder survival video game, Farthest Frontier. In het spel, you are tasked with protecting and guiding the citizens from the untamed wilderness.

With all the threats that are just lurking around your town, you need to equip yourself with basic knowledge to protect them. In deze gids, we will show you the complete list of Farthest Frontier controls to help you get started.

Farthest Frontier Controls

The following are the default Farthest Frontier key bindings. You can remap these default controls in the settings section of the game.

Camera naar voren verplaatsenW
Camera naar achteren verplaatsenS
Verplaats de camera naar linksEEN
Camera naar rechts verplaatsenD
Zoomcamera inGelijk aan
Camera uitzoomenMinus
Save Camera Position 1Linker Ctrl + alt + 1
Restore Camera Position 1Linker Ctrl + 1
Save Camera Position 2Linker Ctrl + alt + 2
Restore Camera Position 2Linker Ctrl + 2
Save Camera Position 3Linker Ctrl + alt + 3
Restore Camera Position 3Linker Ctrl + 3
Center Camera on VillageZ
Pauzeer het spelRuimte
Toggle Building MenuB
Toggle Profession MenuP
Toggle Resources MenuR
Toggle Analytics WindowLinker Ctrl + F3
Gebouw draaientabblad
Rotate Building Opposite
Delete BuildingVan
Set Speed 01
Set Speed 12
Set Speed 23
Set Speed 34
Toggle DesirabilityG
Toggle FertilityF
Toggle Waterl
Toggle Harvest ModeH
Toggle Clear ModeC
Toggle Walls ModeX
Toggle Road ModeN
Toggle Flatten ModeT
Toggle Explore FlagE
Toggle Building WidgetsF2
Toggle Unit WidgetsF3
Toggle Resource WidgetsF4
Schakel gebruikersinterface inRight Bracket
FPS wisselenLinker Ctrl + F2
Farthest Frontier Controls

This concludes our Farthest Frontier controls guide. Voor het geval we belangrijke bedieningselementen van het spel hebben gemist, aarzel dan niet om het ons te laten weten.

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