Fortbyte-uitdaging 98 Plaats

Fortnite Fortbyte #98 Plaats: Found Within a Viking Longhouse

A new day has arrived unlocking a new challenge for the Fortbyte challenges in Fortnite Season 9. Deze keer, Fortbyte #98 genaamd Found Within a Viking Longhouse is de uitdaging die spelers moeten voltooien. If you’re looking for exact chip location, here’s the exact location of Fortbyte #98.

Fortbyte-uitdaging 98 Locatie gids

This challenge is located on top of the mountain where you can find the Vikings. It’s currently located south-east of Snobby Shores.

Fortbyte-uitdaging 98 Plaats

Als je er eenmaal bent, head and enter the main entrance of longhouse building. The chip for this challenge is located on the left side of the building and is on plain sight view so there’s no need to worry finding it.

Looking to complete all the remaining Fortbyte challenges? Then check our exclusive Fortnite guide directory.

Over de auteur

Earl is een van die gamers die bijna alle nieuwe games speelt. Maar hij speelt liever FPS en open-wereldgames.