Gangsta: De terugkeer

Gangsta: De gids voor retourcontroles

This guide will be showing you the complete list of Gangsta: The Return controls for PC. Gangsta: The Return is an action-shooter game featuring zombie, soldier, and monster fighting. It also comes with a different weapon that players can equip to increase their survival chance on the battlefield.

Gangsta: The Return Controls

RennenLinker shift
DoelRechter muis knop
HurkenLinker Ctrl
Use Magic Skill4
Use Injector to Heal0
Kick Attack5
Start Car When InsideLinker Ctrl
Equip Car WeaponsQ
Car LightsL
Gangsta: De terugkeer

And this is everything that you need to learn about the Gangsta: The Return keybindings and controls. Helaas, it seems that there is no in-game options to modify or remap these default controls.

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