Krijgsheer: Britannia

Krijgsheer: Britannia Controls Guide for PC

Developer Darkmatter Gamesnewest open-world strategy video game, Krijgsheer: Britannia, is eindelijk gelanceerd. In het spel, you will be leading a Roman expeditionary force to become the strongest warlord. As the game progresses, players can recruit, promote, and upgrade the troops that will be the key to winning all the wars. Echter, you can’t win without knowing the basics of Warlord: Britannia. We’re talking about the Warlord: Britannia controls.

Are you aware of all the default key bindings and shortcuts that you can use while playing Warlord: Britannia? Read on as we walk you through the complete list of Warlord: Britannia controls and shortcuts.

Krijgsheer: Britannia Controls

Voordat we verder gaan, keep in mind that you can always modify and remap all of these default Warlord: Britannia key bindings in the settings section of the game. Zonder verder oponthoud, here are the controls that you should know:

Functie Sleutel
Ga vooruit W
Beweeg achteruit S
Ga naar links EEN
Ga naar rechts D
Springen Ruimte
Sprint Linker shift
Zoom Linker Ctrl
Zwaard 1
Bow 2
Build Tool 3
Command Tool 4
Torch C
Throw Pila F
Draai naar links Q
Draai naar rechts E
Formation Forward Pijltje omhoog
Formation Backward Pijl omlaag
Formation Left Linker pijl
Formation Right Rechter pijl
Formation Mode R
Gedrag T
Formation Charge G
Formation Visibility V
Formation Stealth X
Schakel HUD in 9
Krijgsheer: Britannia Controls

Now that you know all of the Warlord Britannia controls, take this knowledge as an advantage to dominate and lead your empire to become the greatest nation of all. Succes, Krijgsheer!

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