Jak uzyskać nieograniczone miejsce na dane w Mist Legacy

Przede wszystkim, this is something people callcheesing” gra. Zostałeś ostrzeżony. Po drugie, it involves calculated risk and expense of some gold. Po trzecie, I’m surprised nobody does mention it, so here I shall. Również, if this method DOES have limitations that I am not aware off, let me know, I only did some simple testing.

How to Get Unlimited Storage

  1. Choose the item that you would like to store.
  2. Choose to sell it on market for an unreasonably high price unlikely to be bought (which is also a reason why you should better store items with low market value, so you don’t spend too much gold on commissions).
  3. Put it to sale on market for the shortest amount of time.
  4. Nobody will likely buy it, after sales time expires the item goes toyour market storage. It has no apparent limits.
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