Trepang2 – Przewodnik po statystykach wszystkich broni i wrogów

Stats for the game’s weapons and enemies. Damage and health are approximations because the game’s math is fricking weird and this makes it impossible to determine exact values (I think the way damage is calculated handles integers strangely or something like that).


Szkoda: ~26%

Rate of Fire: ~420 rpm

Clip Size: 13

Pełna amunicja: 78


Very little bullet spread and modest vertical recoil, but low capacity.


Szkoda: ~10.5%

Rate of Fire: 850 rpm

Clip Size: 50

Pełna amunicja: 250


Low vertical recoil, but moderate bullet spread


Szkoda: ~17%

Rate of Fire: 650 rpm

Clip Size: 30

Pełna amunicja: 120


Less bullet spread, but increased vertical recoil compared to the SMG.


Szkoda: ~35% x 8 (~280%)

Rate of Fire: ~85 rpm

Clip Size: 8

Pełna amunicja: 32


Reduced damage against armor (but still does good damage even against armored enemies).


Szkoda: ~60%

Rate of Fire: ~320 rpm

Clip Size: 10

Pełna amunicja: 40


Does roughly double damage against armor.

Bolt Launcher

Szkoda (Explosive Bolts): ~300+% x 3

Szkoda (Penetrator Bolts): ~110%

Rate of Fire (Penetrator Bolts): 120 rpm


Szkoda: ~300+%

Rate of Fire: ~150 rpm

Clip Size: 4

Pełna amunicja: 16


Will stick to enemies instead of detonating on impact if the player is within the blast radius of the grenade. Impacts against walls and objects will still detonate immediately even if the player is too close.


Szkoda: ~22%

Rate of Fire: ~1170 rpm

Clip Size: 200

Pełna amunicja: 400


Takes a second or so to spin up before firing.

Less bullet spread, but high vertical recoil.

Homing bullets do less than half the amount of damage that regular bullets do (slightly less damage than SMG bullets).

przedmioty do rzucania

Frag Grenade = ~300+% damage

Firebomb = ~70% damage

Proximity Mines = ~270% damage

Throwing Knife = ~35% damage

Tomahawk = ~100% damage

Rat Bombs = ~300+% damage

Max Capacity = 5

Mall Cop

Also Known As: Foxtrot Team

Zdrowie: ~60%

Broń: Pistolet

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 3

SMG: 6

Karabin: 4

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 1

Minigun: 3

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Weakest enemy in the game.

Only appear at the start of the first level, and in the first couple waves of the Combat Simulator and the wave-based side missions (Gunnarson Complex and Iron Dragon Data Center).

– 8 appear in the first level, 3 of which (in the second squad) are armed with SMGs.

Doesn’t throw grenades.

Horizon Soldier

Also Known As: Guards


Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Tarcza zamieszek, DMR


Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~30%

Broń: Strzelba

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1

Shots to Kill (Shotgunner):

Pistolet: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 3 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 2 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Most common enemy in the game.

Marksman variant with DMR only seems to appear in Unidentified Structure/Site 32 and later waves of Combat Simulator.

Horizon Elite Soldier

Also Known As: Guard Elite

Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~30%

Bronie: Karabin, Strzelba, Granatnik

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 3 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 2 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Armored counterpart to regular Horizon Guards.

Usually appear later in missions or accompanying Black Ops.

Grenade launcher variant is rare, one appears in Unidentified Structure/Site 32.

Horizon Black Ops

Also Known As: Talon Company, Horizon Elite Unit

Tajne operacje:

Zdrowie: 100%

Broń: SMG

Black Ops Heavy:

Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~40%

Broń: Karabin


Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~40%

Broń: Strzelba

Shots to Kill (Tajne operacje):

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1

Shots to Kill (Heavy and Shotgunner):

Pistolet: 2 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 4 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 2 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 2 (Zbroja) + 5 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Horizon elites with better skill than regular soldiers.

Weapons are equipped with silencers and laser sights.

Only the unarmored Black Ops armed with SMGs typically appear in missions. Shotgunners and armored Black Ops with rifles only appear in later waves of the Combat Simulator. a couple Black Ops shotgunners appear in Unidentified Structure/Site 32.

Horizon Heavy Soldier

Also Known As: Bulldozer, Juggernaut

Zdrowie: ~240%

Zbroja: ~1200%

Bronie: Strzelba, Karabin, Tarcza zamieszek, Granatnik, Minigun, Minigun + Weapon Shield

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 43 (Zbroja) + 10 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 112 (Zbroja) + 23 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 65 (Zbroja) + 13 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 8

DMR: 10 (Zbroja) + 4 (Zdrowie)

Minigun: 55 (Zbroja) + 10 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 3

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 9 (Zbroja) + 2 (Zdrowie)


Most are armed with shotguns.

Squads of Heavies armed with rifles appear in later waves of Gunnarson Complex, Iron Dragon Data Center, and Oil Rig.

A Heavy armed with a Riot Shield and SMG occasionally appear in wave-based encounters.

A single Heavy with a grenade launcher appears in Oil Rig.

A single Heavy with a minigun appears in the last wave of Crash Site.

A single Heavy with a minigun and weapon-mounted shield appears in the final wave of the Subject 83 fight at the end of Site 83.

Oxygen tank on their back can be detonated (8 SMG shots will do) to take off about 40% of their total armor. The explosion will also knock them down, at which point they can be executed with a couple shotgun blasts to the head.

Can be killed with 4 DMR headshots or 3 point-blank shotgun headshots.

Heavies with miniguns do not need to reload.

Horizon Hazmat Unit

Also Known As: Site 83 Bezpieczeństwo


Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~30%

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Strzelba, DMR, Pistolet

Tarcza zamieszek:

Zdrowie 100%

Broń: Tarcza zamieszek

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 3 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 2 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2

Shots to Kill (Tarcza zamieszek):

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Carry full-auto pistols with laser sights and compensators as sidearms.

Appears in Site 83 and first couple waves of Crash Site.

Site 83 survivors primarily carry SMGs and rifles, with a few shotguns and riot shields in the waves in the Subject 83 arena. Crash Site units carry a mix of weapons.

The ones armed only with pistols only seem to appear in the early waves of Combat Simulator for Hazmat Unit maps.

Horizon Black Ops (Crash Site)

Also Known As: Talon Company, Horizon Elite Unit, The Ship Friends, Piraci


Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~40%

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Strzelba, DMR

Tarcza zamieszek:

Zdrowie: 100%

Broń: Tarcza zamieszek


Zdrowie: ~130%

Zbroja: ~70%

Broń: Minigun

Shots to Kill (Regular):

Pistolet: 2 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 4 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 2 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 2 (Zbroja) + 5 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2

Shots to Kill (Tarcza zamieszek):

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1

Shots to Kill (Minigunner):

Pistolet: 3 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 7 (Zbroja) + 12 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 4 (Zbroja) + 8 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 3 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Horizon elites with better skill than regular soldiers. Have better weapons and armor compared to regular Black Ops.

Only encountered in the last couple waves of Crash Site.

– O 3 minigunners in the last couple of waves.

Minigunners have significantly reduced sprint speed. Other minigunner enemies don’t have this.

Woodchipper Squad

Also Known As: Hazmat Snipers

Zdrowie: ~80%

Broń: DMR

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 4

SMG: 8

Karabin: 5

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 4

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


A squad of 3 snipers that appears in Crash Site.

Oil Rig Workers

Zdrowie: ~80%

Broń: Pistolet, SMG, Strzelba

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 4

SMG: 8

Karabin: 5

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 4

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears on Oil Rig in the earlier waves.

Does not drop armor plates when killed.


Also Known As: Horizon Engineering and Construction Unit, Grunts

Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Strzelba, Pistolet

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Oil Rig.

HECU Penetrator

Zdrowie: 100%

Broń: Bolt Launcher (Penetrator 2x Scope):

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Oil Rig.

Horizon Bodyguard

Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Strzelba, Pistolet

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


A couple bodyguards accompany each manager-type HVT (Fletcher, Armstronga, and Whitman).

Bodyguards follow and defend their protectee.

A number of bodyguards are among the defenders on the ground floor of Horizon HQ.

Horizon Specialist

Also Known As: EMP Trooper

Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: SMG

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Appears in Gunnarson Complex and Iron Dragon Data Center to counter-hack your hacking objectives.

Will spawn infinitely until objectives are complete, regardless of the regular enemy spawn waves.

Horizon Corporate Soldier

Also Known As: Lawyer Thugs

Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: SMG, DMR, SMG+Weapon Shield, Pistolet

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Horizon HQ.

Ones armed with pistols only appear in early waves of Combat Simulator levels set in Horizon HQ.

Melee-focused ones armed with pistols appear in the last wave of Combat Simulator HQ levels.

Horizon Corporate Soldier (Opancerzony)

Also Known As: HSS Operatives, Lawyer Thugs

Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~ 120%

Bronie: Karabin, Strzelba, Karabin + Weapon Shield, Minigun

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5 (Zbroja) + 5 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 12 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 7 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 2

DMR: 3

Minigun: 5 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3


Only appears in Horizon HQ.

Only basic soldier that can survive a full shotgun blast.

– O 7 minigunners appear in Horizon HQ (3 in the Anton Lazar boss fight just before fighting Horizon One)

– 2 minigunners, 1 with a weapon-mounted shield, appear in the last wave of Combat Simulator HQ levels.


Zdrowie: ~80%

Bronie: SMG, Strzelba, Pistolet

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 4

SMG: 8

Karabin: 5

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 4

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Jorvik Castle and Kellington Colliery.

Throws firebombs instead of grenades.

Does not drop armor plates when killed.

Cultist Martyr

Also Known As: Molotov Suicide Bomber

Zdrowie: 100%

Broń: Firebombs

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Jorvik Castle and Kellington Colliery.

Will throw firebombs at a distance and also charge at you and set off their firebombs to set themselves and you on fire when they get close.

Does not drop armor plates when killed.

Cultist Bolt Launcher

Zdrowie: ~80%

Broń: Bolt Launcher

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 4

SMG: 8

Karabin: 5

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 4

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Jorvik Castle and Kellington Colliery.

Throws firebombs instead of grenades.

Does not drop armor plates when killed.

Tactical Cultist

Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: RIfle, Strzelba

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Jorvik Castle and Kellington Colliery.

Start to appear shortly before the Enforcer fight.

Throws firebombs instead of grenades.

Tactical Cultist Elite

Also Known As: Chaplain’s Follower

Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~30%

Broń: Karabin

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 3 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 2 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 1 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Cultist elites with better skill than regular soldiers.

Only encountered in the last 2 waves of Kellington Colliery, before and during the Chaplain HVT fight.

Throws firebombs instead of grenades.

Only Cultists to wear armor besides HVTs/Bosses.

Task Force 27 Trooper

Also Known As: Mercs

Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Strzelba, DMR, Tarcza

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Allied with the player.

Troopers with DMRs only seem to appear in Jorvik Castle.

Troopers with Riot Shields only appear in the final level.

Task Force 27 Elite Troopers

Also Known As: Cyber Mercs

Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~50%

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 2 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 5 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 3 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Task Force 27 elites with better skill than regular troopers.

Only appear in the final level.

– Tylko 18 appear in total. 7 early on in groups of 2-3 leading squads of regular troopers, a squad of 4 oraz 2 Riot Shield troopers before the nuke room, and a full squad of 7 (1 of which is armed with a DMR) during the final boss fight.


Also Known As: Jiggly Boi, Moth Minion

Zdrowie: ~140

Shots to Kill:


SMG: 14


Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Minigun: 7

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Attacks with melee and a projectile vomit acid attack.

Only appear in the later half of Pandora Institute, and in a couple waves of Combat Simulator.

Any NPC killed by a zombie or the Mothman will become a zombie.

Opposing Force 27

Also Known As: Evil Mercs

Zdrowie: 100%

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Strzelba

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 5

SMG: 10

Karabin: 6

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 5

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 1


Only appears in Wave 12 of Combat Simulator.

Evil pallette swap of the Task Force 27 troopers.

Considered part of the Horizon faction.

Replica Soldier

Also Known As: TTMF, TTM

Zdrowie: ~120

Bronie: SMG, Karabin, Strzelba

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 6

SMG: 12

Karabin: 8

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 2

Minigun: 6

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Only appears in Wave 17 of Combat Simulator.

Slightly tougher than regular soldiers.

Considered part of the Cultist faction in sandbox.

He may be a clone but he sure ain’t your brother.

Subject 32 Projectiles

Also Known As: Wet Basement Smokey Monster

Zdrowie: ~180

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 9

SMG: 17

Karabin: 11

DMR: 4

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Only appears in the Subject 32 encounter in Unidentified Structure/Site 32.

Horizon HVTs (Main Missions)

Od lewej do prawej: Jackal, Kontrola, Blue Sky Officer

Kontrola:Zdrowie: ~240%

Zbroja: ~50%

Broń: Karabin (2x Scope) + Strzelba

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 2 (Zbroja) + 9 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 5 (Zbroja) + 23 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 3 (Zbroja) + 14 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 2

DMR: 5

Minigun: 2 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3


Encountered at the end of Site 14, leading a squad of several guards and a Heavy Soldier.

Slightly larger than normal characters.

Tougher than average for a Horizon HVT.

Jackal:Zdrowie: ~190%

Zbroja: ~70%

Broń: Karabin (2x Scope + Laser Sight + Tłumik)

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 3 (Zbroja) + 8 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 7 (Zbroja) + 18 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 4 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 2

DMR: 4

Minigun: 3 (Zbroja) + 9 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3


Encountered midway through Pandora Institute, at the end of the courtyard fight before the atrium.

Stands at the entrance opening fire while several elite guards and black ops sweep the courtyard.

Blue Sky Officer:Zdrowie: ~160%

Zbroja: ~70%

Broń: Karabin

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 3 (Zbroja) + 7 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 7 (Zbroja) + 16 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 4 (Zbroja) + 10 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 4

Minigun: 3 (Zbroja) + 8 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Encountered towards the end of Site 83, leading a squad of Hazmat Unit survivors in the Backrooms.

One of the most unremarkable HVTs, only slightly tougher than a regular armored soldier and has an unmodded weapon.

Horizon HVTs (Side Missions)

Od lewej do prawej: Scarecrow, Redfern

Scarecrow:Zdrowie: ~160%

Zbroja: ~50%

Broń: DMR (Laser Sight)

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 2 (Zbroja) + 8 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 5 (Zbroja) + 16 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 3 (Zbroja) + 10 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 4

Minigun: 2 (Zbroja) + 8 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3


Appears leading the final wave of elite soldiers and black ops at the end of Unidentified Structure/Site 32.

Will hang back and snipe at the house while his men charge in.

Redfern:Zdrowie: ~190%

Zbroja: ~70%

Broń: Karabin (Tłumik)

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 3 (Zbroja) + 8 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 7 (Zbroja) + 18 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 4 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 2

DMR: 4

Minigun: 3 (Zbroja) + 9 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3


Appears at the end of Oil Rig after the UFO is destroyed.

Fights you solo because all his men run away once the UFO is gone.

Horizon HVTs (Higher Difficulty Levels)

Od lewej do prawej: Rama, Zaciemnienie, Hatchet, Sokal

Zaciemnienie:Zdrowie: 200%

Tarcza: ~50%

Broń: Pistolet (Tłumik + Laser Sight) + Tarcza

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 10

SMG: 20

Karabin: 12

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 4

Minigun: 10

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Appears in Gunnarson Complex on Hard difficulty or higher.

Spawns around wave 4.

Carries a buckler-type ballistic shield with limited durability.

Hatchet:Zdrowie: ~195%

Zbroja: ~70%

Broń: Strzelba (Incendiary Rounds)

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 3 (Zbroja) + 9 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 7 (Zbroja) + 19 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 4 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 2

DMR: 4

Minigun: 3 (Zbroja) + 9 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3


Appears in Oil Rig on Hard difficulty or higher.

Spawns around wave 2.

Explodes like a frag grenade several seconds after dying.

Sokal:Zdrowie: ~220%

Zbroja: ~40%

Broń: Strzelba (Tłumik)

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 2 (Zbroja) + 9 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 4 (Zbroja) + 21 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 2 (Zbroja) + 13 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 5

Minigun: 2 (Zbroja) + 10 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Appears in Jorvik Castle on Hard difficulty or higher.

Appears towards the end, in one of the final library sections, accompanied by a couple of Black Ops.

Carries a full-auto silenced pistol as a sidearm.

Rama:Zdrowie: ~320%

Zbroja: ~70%

Broń: SMG (Laser Sight + Folded Stock) with weapon-mounted shield

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 3 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 7 (Zbroja) + 31 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 4 (Zbroja) + 19 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 2

DMR: 6

Minigun: 3 (Zbroja) + 15 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 2

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3


Appears in Iron Dragon Data Center on Extreme difficulty or Rage Mode.

Will fire his weapon while charging at enemies to melee them.

Carries a weapon-mounted shield.

Toughest non-Heavy Soldier HVT.

Is tough enough to require 3 DMR headshots to kill despite not wearing a helmet.

Seems to take increased damage from the pistol for some reason.

Horizon HVTs (Heavy Soldiers)

Od lewej do prawej: Samaritan, Darman, Astro

Zdrowie: ~240

Zbroja: ~1200

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 43 (Zbroja) + 10 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 112 (Zbroja) + 23 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 65 (Zbroja) + 13 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 8

DMR: 10 (Zbroja) + 4 (Zdrowie)

Minigun: 55 (Zbroja) + 10 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 3

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 9 (Zbroja) + 2 (Zdrowie)

Samaritan:Broń: SMG (Long Barrel)


Appears in Pandora Institute defending the Atrium alongside the final handful of remaining Horizon soldiers.

Tends to retreat down the hall.

Darman:Broń: Granatnik


Appears in the final wave of Crash Site.

Astro:Broń: Granatnik (Homing Grenades)


Appears after the first couple of waves in Gunnarson Complex on Very Hard difficulty or higher.

Horizon HVTs (Managers)

Od lewej do prawej: Fletcher, Armstronga, Whitman

Fletcher:Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~50%

Broń: Strzelba (Incendiary Rounds) with weapon-mounted shield


Appears in Gunnarson Complex after a couple of waves/server hacks, accompanied by a pair of bodyguards.

Has a weapon-mounted shield.

Will make his way to the second floor lounge, where he’ll hide from the combat along with his bodyguards.

Stats identical to Task Force 27 Elite Trooper.

Armstronga:Zdrowie: 100%

Broń: Pistolet (Full Auto)


Appears in Gunnarson Complex after you hack all 3 servers and kill Fletcher, accompanied by a pair of bodyguards.

Will make a run for the exit (but doesn’t actually leave).

Whitman:Zdrowie: 100%

Broń: Minigun


Appears after several waves in Iron Dragon Data Center accompanied by a pair of bodyguards.

HVT Imposter

Zdrowie: ~140%

Broń: Pistolet (Laser Sight + Tłumik)

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 7

SMG: 14

Karabin: 9

Strzelba: 1

DMR: 3

Granatnik: 1

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2


Has a chance to appear in the safehouse after completing a mission on Extreme difficulty.

I got him to appear by finishing SIte 14 on Extreme, quitting the game, playing a couple Combat Simulator rounds the next day, then selecting another mission on Extreme at the map table. The Imposter attacked me on my way to the helicopter.

His health on Normal (and other difficulties) is on par with that of regular enemies on Rage Mode.

Will aggressively charge at enemies (tj. Ty).

That visor is sus.

Cult HVTs

Od lewej do prawej: The Archivist, The Alchemist, The Chaplain

The Archivist:Zdrowie: ~120%

Zbroja: ~570%

Broń: DMR

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 23 (Zbroja) + 3 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 56 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 33 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 7

DMR: 5 (Zbroja) + 2 (Zdrowie)

Minigun: 28 (Zbroja) + 5 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 3 (Zbroja) + 1 (Zdrowie)

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 5 (Zbroja) + 1 (Zdrowie)


Appears in Kellington Colliery.

Throws rat bombs instead of grenades.

The Alchemist:Zdrowie: ~350%

Zbroja: ~ 400%

Broń: Bolt Launcher (Penetrator) with weapon-mounted shield

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: ~14 (Zbroja) + ~11+ (Zdrowie)

SMG: ~39 (Zbroja) + ~33+ (Zdrowie)

Karabin: ~23 (Zbroja) + ~19+ (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 4 (Zbroja) + 3 (Zdrowie)

DMR: 3 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Minigun: 18 (Zbroja) + 14 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 2 (Zbroja) + 2 (Zdrowie)

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 3 (Zbroja) + 3 (Zdrowie)


Appears in Kellington Colliery on Hard difficulty or higher.

Has a weapon-mounted shield.

Ignites on fire as soon as he takes damage from the player. Will continue to fight while on fire.

Armor does not visibly break apart when destroyed, unlike the Archivist, Chaplain, or Enforcer or Heavy Soldiers.

The Chaplain:Zdrowie: ~300%

Zbroja: ~900%

Broń: Minigun

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 33 (Zbroja) + 12 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 86 (Zbroja) + 30 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 50 (Zbroja) + 18 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 9 (Zbroja) + 2 (Zdrowie)

DMR: 8 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

Minigun: 41 (Zbroja) + 14 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 5 (Zbroja) + 1 (Zdrowie)

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 7 (Zbroja) + 2 (Zdrowie)


Appears in final wave of Kellington Colliery.

Does not need to reload his minigun.

Charges enemies aggressively.

Armor and combat behavior is identical to the Enforcer, but has less health and seems to lack resistance to shotgun and explosives when unarmored.

człowiek ćma

Zdrowie: ~600%?

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: ~24

SMG: ~61

Karabin: ~35

Strzelba: 7

DMR: ~14

Granatnik: ~5

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): ~5


Attacks with a kick, projectile acid vomit, and a grab attack that deals heavy damage to the player and instantly kills any NPC (will even kill Cycle 107 if the grab connects).

Only vulnerable in exposed green hole in torso.

After it takes a certain amount of damage (equal to a large attack such as a shotgun blast or penetrator shot), the next attack on Mothman will be deflected and only do very minor damage.

Does not take damage from NPCs.

Any NPCs killed by it will turn into zombies.

Flesh Golem

Zdrowie: ~2400%

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 89

SMG: 234

Karabin: 136

Strzelba: 15

DMR: 42

Minigun: 314

Granatnik: 21

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 19

Bolt Launcher (Materiał wybuchowy): 19


– 2 appear in the game. One solo in a mini-boss fight, and one during the last 3rd of the Patriarch boss fight.

Some resistance to the shotgun (similar to enemy armor).

Moderate resistance to explosives.

Highly resistant to the minigun.


Zdrowie: 1000%

Zbroja: ~900%

Broń: Minigun

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 33 (Zbroja) + 37 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 86 (Zbroja) + 96 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 50 (Zbroja) + 56 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 9 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

DMR: 8 (Zbroja) + 17 (Zdrowie)

Minigun: 41 (Zbroja) + 46 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 5 (Zbroja) + 5 (Zdrowie)

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 7 (Zbroja) + 8 (Zdrowie)


Will teleport away and summon a wave of Cultists to fight you after his armor is broken (does not happen if spawned in sandbox).

Does not need to reload his minigun.

Aggressively charges enemies.

Some resistance to the shotgun and explosives even when unarmored.


Zdrowie: ~1800%

Broń: Karabin + Bolt Launcher

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 64

SMG: 168

Karabin: 97

Strzelba: 15

DMR: 30

Minigun: 197

Granatnik: 14

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 14

Bolt Launcher (Materiał wybuchowy): 12


Can dash about a dozen feet in any direction instantly, which appears to be his version of the player’s slide ability.

Will teleport away and summon Cultists to fight you every time he loses 1/3rd of his health (does not happen if spawned in the sandbox). Will return to the fight after a brief pause alongside the Cultists.

The last 3rd of the boss fight includes a Flesh Golem among the Cultists.

High resistance to the shotgun and explosives.

Very high resistance to the minigun.

Horizon One

Zdrowie: ~3000?

Shots to Kill:

Smg: <300

Karabin: <176

Minigun: <179

Granatnik: 15


Armed with dual wing-mounted miniguns.

It’s best to kill off all the Corporate Soldiers (they don’t respawn infinitely) before picking up the breaching charge and spawning the helicopter.

Easiest way to kill it is to grab one of the miniguns dropped by the 3 minigunners, pick up the breaching charge, and empty the minigun into the helicopter as soon as it appears.

Because it flies around chaotically at long range, it’s difficult to hit with the shotgun or projectiles such as bolts or grenades.

Cycle 107

Zdrowie: ~3000% (całkowity)

Broń: Katany + Rzucać nożami

Shots to Kill (per phase):

Pistolet: 30

SMG: 77


Strzelba: 8

DMR: ~19


Attacks with a katana strike, a DMC stinger dash (indicated by a yellow eye light flash), and a throwing knife toss (indicated by a purple eye light flash). All of his attacks can be dodged with a slide.

Katana strikes takes off all of your armor, lub (if unarmored) o 40% of your health, on Normal difficulty.

– 4 phases in total.

Will deflect bullets with his katana while slow-walking in the 3rd and 4th phase.

Moderate resistance to the shotgun and DMR.

If spawned in sandbox mode, will become invincible after losing 25% of his health. May glitch out and freeze after killing an enemy. Does not use his dash attack.

Count Your Strikes

Zdrowie: 100%


Only found in TMod Sandbox.

Characters are America 6, Sassy, GeeNine, and Giggins.

Not aligned with any faction.



Only found in TMod sandbox.

Characters are Alone Rookie, Alone XP, Robber Rookie, Army XP, GetOuttaHere XP, Hippy XP, Biologist Rookie, Biologist XP, BlueSky XP, Merc XP, Merc Master, Lunatic XP.

Different characters are aligned with different factions (tj. rookies are aligned with the player, Lunatic XP aka Monolith are aligned with the Cultists).

Stats are identical to regular guards and armored guards, depending on whether or not they have armor.

Bot Killahxtwenty

Zdrowie: ~220%

Zbroja: ~190%

Broń: Karabin

Shots to Kill:

Pistolet: 9 (Zbroja) + 6 (Zdrowie)

SMG: 19 (Zbroja) + 21 (Zdrowie)

Karabin: 11 (Zbroja) + 13 (Zdrowie)

Strzelba: 2 (Zbroja) + 1 (Zdrowie)

DMR: 1 (Zbroja) + 5 (Zdrowie)

Minigun: 9 (Zbroja) + 11 (Zdrowie)

Granatnik: 2

Bolt Launcher (Penetrator): 2 (Zbroja) + 1 (Zdrowie)


Only appears in TMod Sandbox.

Is included under Count Your Strikes, but is aligned with the player/Task Force 27.

Has maxed out skill sliders (rate of fire, dokładność, itp).

Health is roughly equal to that of the player on Normal difficulty.

Armor is roughly 3-4 times that of the player on Normal difficulty.

Uses the Heavy Soldier voice lines.

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