Uma história triste termina com a conquista – Geneforge 1 – mutagênico

Um Conto Triste Termina
Kill Oroboros. (Veteran difficulty or higher.)

How to Unlock A Sad Tale Ends Achievement

Defeat Oroborus on Veteran or higher. This one is actually pretty difficult at that level, but if you have played through most of the game, or have used the Geneforge, you should be able to manage this one. She can be found in the Barrens Bunker, unlocked by Ascended Alonzo, after you have helped Ascended Sessina defeat a Cockatrice.

Guia por Comandante A.

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Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.