Um verão com o Shiba Inu

A Summer with the Shiba Inu Achievement List and Guide for Xbox One

Developer Quill Studios and publisher Ratalaika Games have released the official A Summer with the Shiba Inu trophy list and guides for Xbox One.

In A Summer with the Shiba Inu, os jogadores estarão coletando 30 conquistas que valem 1000 Gamerscore. There is no secret or hidden achievements that can be found in A Summer with the Shiba Inu. Check out the full A Summer with the Shiba Inu achievements for Xbox One below.

A Summer with the Shiba Inu Achievements

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Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.