Controles e atalhos do ArcRunner

For players of ArcRunner on PC, it may be useful to know all the controls and keyboard shortcuts available in the game. ArcRunner is a third-person cyberpunk video game developed by Trickjump Games Ltd and published by PQube.

The game is currently playable on multiple platforms, including PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, e Microsoft Windows via Steam. Abaixo de, you will find a comprehensive list of all the controls and keyboard shortcuts for ArcRunner on PC.

ArcRunner Controls

ArcRunner comes with default key bindings assigned to its controls. No entanto, if you prefer a different setup, you can change these default keyboard controls in the game’s settings. To access the Controls tab, navigate to Settings and select it. De lá, you can modify and customize the default ArcRunner controls to your liking.

Siga em frenteC
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
PularBarra de espaço
Corrida (Aguarde)Desvio à esquerda
Desviar (Toque)Ctrl esquerdo
Fire PrimaryBotão esquerdo do mouse
Activate Special (Aguarde)Botão direito do mouse
Activate UltimateZ
corpo a corpoQ
Usar dispositivoF
Arma primária1
Arma secundária2
Arma Pesada3
Interact AlternateQ
Inventário (Tap or Hold)Aba
Emotes WheelV
Swap Shoulder SideG
Execute Hack 1Botão esquerdo do mouse
Execute Hack 2E
Execute Hack 3F
Execute Hack 4Q
Menu de PausaEsc
ArcRunner Controls

Trickjump Games Ltd, the developer of ArcRunner, has confirmed that the game offers full gamepad controller support in addition to mouse and keyboard support. This means that players should be able to use a gamepad to play the game without encountering any significant problems. No entanto, if you do experience issues with your gamepad, uma guia is available to assist you.

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