Chamado de Senpai: Guerra Waifu 2

Guerra de Chamado de Senpai Waifu 2 Controles e Atalhos

Chamado de Senpai: Guerra Waifu 2 has finally been launched and you’re now to take control of Maria as she conquers the world. This page will detail all the important Call of Senpai: Guerra Waifu 2 controls that you can use in the game.

Chamado de Senpai: Guerra Waifu 2 Controles

Here are the default key bindings and shortcuts of Call of Senpai: Guerra Waifu 2.

Siga em frenteC
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para trásS
Mover para a direitaD
Baseball Bat or Change the Radio Station in the Car1
Drive Unit3
Put Everything in Your Pocket4
Change Target with Baseball BatQ
Incêndio (Only for Aim)Botão esquerdo do mouse
MirarBotão direito do mouse
Menu de PausaEsc
Chamado de Senpai: Guerra Waifu 2 Controles

With all the controls listed above, you’re now ready to showcase your skills in Call of Senpai: Guerra Waifu 2.

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