Capa & Punhal: Controles e atalhos do PC Shadow Operations

This page covers the list of Cloak & Punhal: Shadow Operations controls and keyboard shortcuts for PC. Capa & Punhal: Shadow Operations is a 3rd-person shooter video game developed and published by Knight Division Games. You can grab this game on Windows PC via Steam.

Capa & Punhal: Shadow Operations Controls

The following are the default Cloak & Punhal: Shadow Operations key bindings. You can change these default controls by going to Options > Input.

Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
PularBarra de espaço
agacharCtrl esquerdo
IncêndioBotão esquerdo do mouse
MirarBotão direito do mouse
Visão noturnaQ
Dodge RollDesvio à esquerda
Objective ListAba
Mudar Camerax
movimento lentoAlt Esquerda
Switch ShoulderC
Change Grenade TypeR
Menu de PausaEsc
Capa & Punhal: Shadow Operations Controls

Além do suporte para mouse e teclado, the developer of Cloak & Punhal: Shadow Operations also confirms that it has full gamepad controller support. This only means that you can enjoy the game with a controller without facing any major issues.

Sobre o autor

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