Despertar da Borda do Abismo

Guia de controles e atalhos do Edge of the Abyss Awakening

Do you like playing souls-like RPG games? Nós iremos, TrinityBJ has one of the best games for you. This is the newly released Edge of the Abyss Awakening, where you will be playing in a dungeon full of challenges and mysteries.

No entanto, you may face some problems if you don’t know the basics of Edge of the Abyss Awakening. Então neste guia, we will show you the full list of Edge of the Abyss Awakening controls.

Despertar da Borda do Abismo

Just like any other RPG video game, you can change and remap all of the listed Edge of the Abyss Awakening key bindings and shortcuts below.

Para remapear esses controles padrão, just go to the Settings > Aba de controles. De lá, you can change the default keys. Make sure to click the “Aplicar” button to save the changes that you have made.

Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
Desviar / ListaBarra de espaço
Trancar / ReleaseBotão do meio do mouse
Ataque normalBotão esquerdo do mouse
Ataque especialBotão direito do mouse
Habilidade de armaR
Lord SkillF
Edge of the Abyss Awakening Controls

Você também pode consultar a captura de tela completa dos controles do jogo abaixo:

Now that you already know the basic controls, you should now be able to start your adventure in Edge of the Abyss Awakening. To give you some useful tips, we recommend that you always mine and collect all available resources that you encounter. In case you don’t need it, you can easily drop it from your inventory.

Sobre o autor

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