Fragments Of A Mind Controls Guide for PC

In Fragments Of A Mind, developer and publisher LoneWolf will bring you into the world of Cassandra’s twisted dreams in Fragments Of A Mind. No jogo, you will have to recover Cassandra’s lost memory as well as uncover the dark secrets in her mind. With the challenges that players are about to face, one should at least know the basic Fragments Of A Mind controls. Abaixo de, you will find the detailed control guide for the game.

Fragments Of A Mind Controls

The following are the default keyboard and mouse controls for Fragments Of A Mind. You can change and remap these controls in the settings section of the game.

mover para baixoS
Mover para a direitaD
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mind Blast2
True Sight3
Next Dialogue / Confirm LoadEspaço
Rotate HorizontalRato Horizontal
AmpliaçãoRoda do mouse
Enable RotationBotão direito do mouse
Rotate VerticalRato Vertical
Menu de PausaEsc
Fragments Of A Mind Controls

With all the listed Fragments Of A Mind key bindings and shortcuts listed above, you’re now ready to start your journey in the game. Let us know in the comment section if you have any questions or suggestions to improve this guide.

Fragments Of A Mind is now available for download on PC via Steam. You can also try playing the game by downloading the demo version of Fragments Of A Mind from aqui.

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