Como realizar todas as fatalidades de personagens em Mortal Kombat 1

Lista completa de todas as fatalidades disponíveis a partir de agora em Mortal Kombat 1, incluindo fatalidades realizadas por Kameos, facilmente a partir do painel do Steam e sem o incômodo de acessar um site. Inclui bônus de pré-encomenda Shang Tsung, e incluirá personagens DLC à medida que forem lançados no futuro.


Fatalities are an infamous type of finishing move that have been available in every Mortal Kombat game since the seriesinception. They’re a hilariously over-the-top and graphic way to finish the opponent off, completed with a specific set of button inputs, all of which this guide includes.There will be abbreviations for movement inputs in this guide, for simplicity’s sake, and below lists each one:

F: Avançar

B: De volta

D: Baixa

Most Fatalities also need to be done at a specific distance away from the opponent, either Close, Mid-Close, Mid, Far, or Any, which will be in parentheses after the button inputs. Learning how close/far each of these distances are might take a few tries, but a general rule of thumb is that “Perto” Fatalities are right next to the opponent, “Mid-CloseFatalities are ~3 steps back from the opponent, “MidFatalities are ~5 steps back from the opponent, “FarFatalities are as far as you can get from the opponent in the short time you’re allotted to perform a Fatality, e “Nenhum” Fatalities can be anywhere but recommended to be around Mid-range so you don’t accidentally hit the opponent after an incorrect input.

Adicionalmente, because some players use various controllers or change keybinds in fighting games, I will be referring to the final inputs used as Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Kick, Back Kick, Quadra, and Kameo Assist. If you’re unsure of the button/key to perform any of these maneuvers, I recommend getting and learning this information from the pause menu in-game.


Royal Blender

D, F, D, Back Kick (Mid)

Last Kiss

D, D, B, Back Kick (Perto)



B, F, B, Front Punch (Perto)

Killopractic Adjustment

Baixa, Avançar, De volta, Front Kick (Perto)


Helping Hands

D, B, D, Front Kick (Perto)

Show of Hands

B, F, D, Back Punch (Mid)


The Red Sea

D, D, B, Back Kick (Perto)

Sob pressão

D, F, B, Front Kick (Mid)


Hazed and Confused

B, F, D, Front Punch (Nenhum)

Up In Smoke

D, F, B, Back Punch (Nenhum)


Eye-palling Victory

D, F, B, Quadra (Mid)

Killer Klones from Netherrealm

B, F, B, Back Punch (Perto)


Hairline Fracture

F, D, D, Back Punch (Nenhum)

Brain Freeze

F, B, D, Back Kick (Perto)



F, B, D, Back Kick (Mid)

Acid Reflux

F, D, B, Front Kick (Mid)

Li Mei

Roman Candle

F, B, F, Front Kick (Perto)

Grand Finale

B, F, D, Back Kick (Perto)



F, D, D, Back Kick (Perto)


B, D, B, Front Punch (Mid)


Split Decision

B, F, D, Front Punch (Perto)

Four Piece Kombo

F, B, D, Back Kick (Perto)


Sand Storm

F, D, D, Back Kick (Mid)

Temporal Execution

D, F, B, Front Punch (Mid)

Shang Tsung

Side Effects

B, D, D, Back Kick (Perto)

Feeding Time

F, D, B, Front Punch (Mid)

General Shao

Spin Cycle

B, F, D, Front Punch (Mid)


D, F, B, Front Punch (Mid)


Hair Comes Trouble

D, B, D, Front Punch (Mid)

vivendo’ The Scream

B, F, B, Back Punch (Mid)


The Impaler

D, D, B, Back Punch (Mid)

Pinned Down

B, D, D, Back Kick (Perto)


The Storm’s Arrival

B, F, B, Back Punch (Perto)

Ride The Lightning

D, F, B, Front Punch (Mid)

Liu Kang

Double Dragon

D, F, B, Back Kick (Perto)


B, F, B, Front Kick (Perto)

Johnny Cage

Hollywood Walk of Pain

F, B, D, Back Punch (Perto)

Krash and Burn

F, D, B, Back Kick (Mid)

Kung Lao

Lao’d and Clear

B, F, B, Back Kick (Mid)

Slapped Together

B, D, D, Front Kick (Perto)


Heavenly Light

D, F, D, Back Punch (Mid)

Threads of Ill Will

D, D, B, Back Kick (Mid)


Vaerternus KomBAT

D, D, B, Front Punch (Mid)

Brake Check

B, D, B, Back Kick (Mid)


coração atômico

D, F, D, Back Kick (Perto)

RAD-ius Incision

F, B, D, Back Punch (Perto)

Darrius (KAMEO)

Armado e perigoso

D, B, F, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Sareena (KAMEO)

Inner Demon

B, D, D, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Cyrax (KAMEO)


F, B, F, Kameo Assist (Mid)

Kano (KAMEO)

Heart Ripper

B, D, F, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Sonya (KAMEO)


B, F, D, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Sektor (KAMEO)


B, F, B, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

geada (KAMEO)

Breaking Point

B, D, B, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)


Big Boot

D, F, D, Kameo Assist (Far)

Stryker (KAMEO)

Safety Vest

F, D, F, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Escorpião (KAMEO)


D, F, D, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Sub-Zero (KAMEO)

Spine Rip

F, D, F, Kameo Assist (Mid)

Kung Lao (KAMEO)

Klean Kut

F, B, F, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Shujinko (KAMEO)

Five Point Strike

D, B, D, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Motaro (KAMEO)

Brain Blast

F, D, D, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

Goro (KAMEO)

Price of Pain

B, F, D, Kameo Assist (Mid-Close)

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