Como executar o mod multijogador no Steam Deck

Guide to get BeamNG Multiplayer/BeamMP working on SteamOS

Configuração do Protontricks

você vai precisar Truques de prótons, se você já o instalou, pode pular esta seção inteira depois de ler isto.

Open up Descobrir and search for Truques de prótons então instale-o.

Depois disso, procurar Selo plano então instale e abra-o.

Clique em Truques de prótons à esquerda, role para baixo até Sistema de arquivo então clique Todos os arquivos do usuário e dê permissão para /run/media em Outros arquivos.

What is Flatseal and what exactly am I giving access to?
Flatseal allows you to review and modify permissions from your Flatpak applications, we are giving Protontricks access to any external drive (like a MicroSD card) you may have in case the game is installed there.

BeamMP Setup

Download BeamMP de website oficial. Make sure to download the Windows Client Version.

Extract the file anywhereClique com o botão direito on it and Add to Steam.

Find BeamMP in your Biblioteca Steam, Clique no Gear Icon, e vai para Propriedades.

Dentro Propriedades, set the Proton Compatibility para Proton 8.0-5.

Perto Propriedades and launch BeamMP, go through the setup and install it.

Once installed it should fail to boot, which is normal.

Helping BeamMP find BeamNG

Now you need to find where BeamNG is installed on your Steam Deck, we’ll need this location for later. The fastest way is to navigate to BeamNG in your Steam Library, Clique no Gear Icon, Gerenciar, e então Procurar arquivos locais.

It will open the folder where BeamNG is installed, towards the top you need to click comum, então Clique com o botão direito on the folder named e clique Copy Location.

Now go to /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata

We need to find BeamMP’s proton prefix, which we can easily do by opening up Truques de prótons and scrolling down until we find BeamMP.
Your Proton Prefix for BeamMP will be different, make sure to find it in Protontricks

Once you find it, enter BeamMP’s proton prefix folder and navigate to /pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps

Clique com o botão direito and create a new folder named comum

No comum folder we just created, Clique com o botão direito in the empty folderCrie um novoLink para arquivo ou diretório

In the bottom box, paste the location to we copied earlier then hit OK.

Abra o folder we just createdClique com o botão direito sobre então Open With Protontricks Launcher.

Dentro Truques de prótons, scroll until you find BeamMP_Installer.exe and click on it.

BeamNG should boot and once it does, close the game.

Return to the folder containing BeamMP’s Proton Prefix

Vamos para /pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming

Clique com o botão direito no BeamMP-Launcher folder and click on Copy Location.

Navigate back to BeamMP in your Steam Libary e vai para Propriedades. Sob Propriedades paste the location we copied in the Start In caixa.

Paste the same in the other box but add /BeamMP-Launcher.exe at the end. Ensure you keep the quotation marks at the front and back.

Launch BeamMP in Steam and make sure everything works. If it instantly closes when trying to boot, you messed up on the previous step.

You should finalmente be done. Neste ponto, you can rename BeamMP and add custom covers if you want. Make sure to configure your controls for the game in Steam.

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