How to Setup Palworld Dedicated Server with Microsoft Azure

Setting up a Palworld dedicated server on Microsoft Azure involves several steps. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you through the process.

Create a new server on Microsoft Azure

Em primeiro lugar, we have to create our new server on Azure: it will be a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine (aka Azure VM) running an image of Windows Server 2022.

Vamos para Microsoft Azure, log in with your Microsoft Account having an Azure Subscriptions and clickCreate a resource”.

Type Virtual Machine in the search box, search, e clique “Criar”.

Configure the Azure Virtual Machine (Azure VM) by entering the necessary information as outlined below:

  • Escolha o subscription, create a new resource group, specify the virtual machine name
  • Selecione os region nearest to you, a Availability Zone (1 AZ is enough), e Security Type (Standard is acceptable)
  • As for the image, you should see in the listWindows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Editionx64 Gen2“. If you don’t see it in the list, clique “See all imagesand search for it.
  • When selecting the Tamanho, look forStandard_B1s” na lista. If you don’t find it, clique “See all sizesand search for it. If you have a larger budget or if you don’t require your server to be operational 24 hours a day, consider a VM size with at least 8 GB de RAM. Remember that you will only be billed for the hours when your Azure VM is not stopped.

Clique no “Análise + create” botão.

Once you have clicked the “Análise + create” botão, you will see the Validation test results and the review page; click Create.

Once you have clicked Create, wait some minutes for the deploy.

Open Ports 8211

Go to your new VM page, clique “Rede”, clique “Add inbound port rule”.

Open the port 8211 como mostrado abaixo (Fonte: Nenhum, Source port ranges: *, Destination: Nenhum, Service: Personalizado, Destination port ranges: 8211, Protocol: Nenhum, Ação: Permitir, Prioridade: 100, Nome: AllowAnyCustom8211Inbound).

Clique “Adicionar”.

Once you have clicked Add, you have created the new rule to open the port 8211. Now we finally can connect to the VM: in the VM page, clique “Conectar”, e clique “Download RDP file”; once you have downloaded it, open it.

In the Windows dialog, insert your username (if required) and the password you have chosen in the previous section. We are now connecting to the server.

And we are in!

In the just opened new VM with Windows Server, Vá para “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security tooland add a new Inbound Rule for UDP Port 8211.

Install softwares and run Palserver in the VM

In order to run Palworld dedicated server we need to download and install in our VM the following software:

  • SteamCMD for Windows.
  • DirectX 9.0 (search the package online; note that Microsoft websites don’t have the real .exe but downloader, if the downloader doesn’t work search for the real .exe from another website)
  • Visual C++ for x64.

Agora, we can finally run our Palword dedicated server (aka PalServer):

  • Install SteamCMD double-clicking steamcmd.exe
  • In the same directory of steamcmd.exe open a new Command Prompt (not PowerShell) and enter the following commands:
    1. steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validar +sair
    2. cd .\steamapps\common\PalServer
    3. PalServer.exe

The server is running!

Join the server

Run Palworld and, no menu principal, escolher “Play Multiplayer”.

Insert the IP of your Azure VM followed by :8211 e clique “Connection”.

We are online!

Este guia sobre Mundo Pal Foi escrito por Falkons. Você pode visitar a publicação original neste link. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre este guia, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos aqui.

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