Como desbloquear “Father and sonAchievement in Omen Exitio: Praga

This guide will show you how to unlock the Omen Exitio: Plague achievement calledFather and son”.

Father and son Achievement

Father and son
The paternal presence of your mentor has protected you from madness during the final moments of your life.

Observação: you only need to choose 3 do 6 friendly options to get this achievement. I’ve marked these friendly options with an asterisk

-When you first talk to Rogers and are given the options of friendly ou annoyed, escolher friendly*
-When you are talking to Smith and are given the options of waitdoubt, ou criticize, escolher doubt*
-When you notice something is troubling Rogers and you are given the options of perguntar ou evitar, escolher perguntar*
-After having a talk with Lloyd under the tree when you are given the options of lieutenantinterpreterdiary, ou march, escolher lieutenant*
-In the grotto where the child sacrifice is about to take place, when you are given the options of wait ou intervene, escolher wait então cover* ou intervene então cover*
-After you have the nightmare about your wife and are given the options of calm ou furious, escolher calm
-During the ambush, when you are given the options of LloydRogers, ou rear door, escolher Rogers
-After Lloyd runs off to distract the savages and you are given the options of escapar ou wait, escolher wait*
-In the pit when you are given the options of nostalgia ou anger, escolher nostalgia

Este guia sobre Saída de presságio: Praga Foi escrito por honeybaby. Você pode visitar a publicação original neste link. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre este guia, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos aqui.

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