Assassino na cabine

Controles de teclado do Killer in the Cabin PC

Developer and publisher Games People Play has finally released their newest survival video game, assassino na cabine. If you love playing survival games like the well-known Among Us, then you surely want to try the Killer in the Cabin game. For those who are planning to enter and experience life in the cabin, this guide will show you the full list of Killer in the Cabin controls.

Killer in the Cabin Controls

Antes de começarmos, be reminded that you can remap these default controls in the game. Para remapear os controles, click the gear icon then click the Input option. De lá, you can change and modify the default keys of the game.

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Killer in the Cabin Controls

E é isso. You now know the basics of Killer in the Cabin. Head out there and fulfill your role as a survivor or a killer.

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