
Phasmophobia Anniversary Update Hotfix 2 Notas do Patch

Following the first release of the anniversary update, developer Kinetic Games has rolled out the Phasmophobia anniversary update hotfix #2. The new update addressed some of the bugs and glitches that have been appearing since the release of the first patch.

Today’s release will fix the known issues in the game. Feel free to check the full patch notes for the 2nd hotfix below. If you haven’t read the previous update yet, you can check it aqui.

Phasmophobia Anniversary Update Hotfix 2 Notas do Patch

  • Fixed a bug where you would always be crouching on the main menu if you had head bob enabled
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t navigate the last page of the journal using a controller
  • Fixed a bug where solo VR players wouldn’t get a photo reward
  • Fixed a bug where the photo reward was doubling per player
  • Potential fix for the audio volume spiking when loading the main menu

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