Aventuras do Ornitorrinco

Guia de controles e atalhos do Platypus Adventures

Developer and publisher Figtree Digital has finally released their newest 3D platformer adventure game Platypus Adventures. No jogo, you will be playing as a platypus a world full of mysteries.

Are you up for the challenge? Before you start your adventure, this page will detail every Platypus Adventures controls that you should know. Note that apart from the keyboard and mouse support, you can also use a controller to play the game.

Platypus Adventures Controls

há um total de 19 actions that can be used in the game. Here are the default Platypus Adventures key bindings and shortcuts.

Siga em frenteC
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para trásS
Mover para a direitaD
agacharCtrl esquerdo
Pular / Aquáticobarra de espaço
Quadra / nadar para baixoDesvio à esquerda
Interagir / UsarE
Ataque / Throw BoomerangBotão esquerdo do mouse
Aim BoomerangBotão direito do mouse
View InventoryEU
Quick Use ItemF
Zoom In CameraF
Alterar visualização da câmeraC
Toggle Photo Modeeu
Platypus Adventures Controls

Assim como qualquer outro jogo de PC, you can change and remap all of the listed default controls for Platypus Adventures. To remap these controls, simply go to the settings menu of the game and click on the desired action that you want to change.

This is everything about Platypus Adventures controls. Did we miss any important key controls of the game? Feel free to let us know.

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