Samurai Shodown

Atualização do Samurai Shodown 2.424 Patch Notes for Xbox Series X and S

Developer and publisher SNK has rolled out the newest patch for the action game, Samurai Shodown. The new Samurai Shodown update 2.424 was released specifically for the Xbox Series X and S of the game.

According to the official release notes shared by the developer on Twitter, correção 2.424 is mainly a bug fix update. This update addressed the issue related to a game shutdown. Além disso, the new patch also makes some changes with Warden.

Para saber mais sobre esta nova atualização, check out the release notes below.

Atualização do Samurai Shodown 2.424 Notas do Patch


  • Resolved an issue where the game would shut down when it is unable to obtain a player’s avatar icon.
  • Resolved an issue with unintended character behavior resulting from Weapon Flipping after landing a multi-hit projectile.

Improvements Made to Characters

  • WardedVanguard’s Advance: Resolved a movement issue that occurs after a successful parry.

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