Guia do modo Arc para iniciantes em Starship Troopers Extermination

An introductory explanation of the structure and goals of Arc mode in Starship Troopers: Extermínio, specifically designed to assist newcomers. This guide will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the mode’s four phases, outline the objectives for each phase, and provide a concise overview of infestation levels.

Estágio 1: Landing

This initial phase is the briefest and can often be overlooked. During this stage, you have two primary objectives to accomplish:

  • Construct the mobile HQ.
  • Establish a secured perimeter for the Arc drop.

Estágio 2: Resource Acquisition

This phase serves as the core of the round, encompassing three primary objectives:

  • Safeguarding the Arc: Your main focus will be on fortifying defenses and establishing a secure perimeter. This entails deploying soldiers to construct suitable defenses and strategically positioning them to intercept approaching bugs en route to the Arc. As the infestation level escalates, your responsibilities will extend to locating and neutralizing bug artillery, specifically the grenadier, which targets your base. This may require venturing outside the base or reallocating resources.
  • Obtaining Ore: Minério, represented by blue canisters, is sourced from ore refineries and serves as a resource for bolstering base defenses. It is loaded into the mobile HQ. While crucial, it is not the primary resource of utmost importance.
  • Gathering Gas: Gás, denoted by yellow canisters, is obtained from gas refineries and serves as fuel for the operation of the Arc. This resource holds critical significance, as loading seven canisters into the Arc triggers the subsequent phase of the game. Exercise caution and maintain communication with the team’s builders when loading the final canister.

Canisters and Refineries:

Canisters are acquired from refineries, which must be constructed first. Once operational, the terminals need to be activated and the device protected for a duration of 30 seconds until a canister is fully filled. If the refinery sustains excessive damage, the filling process will be aborted, necessitating a complete restart. It is possible to generate four canisters before the refinery enters a lengthy cooldown period of 240 segundos, during which you should allocate your efforts to other areas. Notavelmente, support infantry can carry canisters on their backs, making them ideal candidates for resource team members.

Estágio 3: Defending the Base

Having successfully loaded the final gas canister into the Arc and initiating the scan, you are now entrusted with a single objective:

Safeguard the Arc

This critical phase assesses the competence of your buildersdesigns, the determination of your soldiers, and the effectiveness of your ore resource team. Contribute in any way possible, whether it involves repairing structures, reviving fallen comrades, eliminating threats, providing cover for allies, or ideally, a combination of all these actions. It is imperative to hold the defensive line steadfastly until the scan reaches 100%, at which juncture the fleet will intervene.

Estágio 4: Extração

Congratulations on your achievement, ou melhor, congratulations will be in order if you manage to make it back safely. At this stage, you are faced with a single objective:

Evacuate your team

As this phase commences, it is advisable to locate your teammates and move together as a group. Make concerted efforts to provide mutual cover while rushing towards the designated landing spot of the shuttle, which will be indicated by a shuttle icon on the map.

Upon reaching the shuttle, you will be welcomed by a pilot, your surviving comrades, and a supply of ammunition in the rear of the aircraft. Take a moment to replenish your ammo, then venture back outside and focus on providing cover for any teammates making their way to the exit before the shuttle takes off.

Infestation Level

With the passage of time and the elimination of bugs, the infestation level on the map will gradually escalate. As the infestation level increases, new dangers will arise, accompanied by larger swarms of bugs. Threats such as the grenadier, Tiger, Tiger Elite, and enemy patrols will make their presence known. It is crucial to note that while expedience in completing missions is desirable, it should only be pursued once your defenses are adequately prepared to withstand the heightened challenges presented by the escalating infestation level.

Este guia sobre foi escrito por 357 Magnum Ace. Você pode visitar a publicação original neste link. Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre este guia, por favor, não hesite em contactar-nos aqui.

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