o canto

O guia de controles e atalhos de canto

This page covers the list of all The Chant controls and keyboard shortcuts. The Chant is a third-person action-adventure horror game developed by Brass Token. The game currently available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X e S, e Windows PC via Steam.

The Chant Controls

The following are the default The Chant key bindings. Infelizmente, it seems that these default keyboard and mouse controls for PC are fixed as there is no customization option available in the in-game settings.

Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
CorridaDesvio à esquerda
DesviarBarra de espaço
Ataque Leve / Ataque PesadoBotão esquerdo do mouse
LançarBotão direito do mouse
Prism AbilityQ
Place TrapT
Crafting WheelAba
Crafting Wheel – Item de ArtesanatoE
Menu de PausaEsc
Mostrar objetivosBotão do meio do mouse
Consume Lavender1
Consume Ginger2
Consume Spirit Cap3
Conversation – Mente1
Conversation – Corpo2
Conversation – Espírito3
The Chant Controls

Além do suporte para mouse e teclado, the developer of the game has also confirmed that the PC version of The Chant has full controller support. This only means that you should not be facing any major issues when playing with a controller on PC.

Para PlayStation 5 controls of the game, feel free to the in-game controls screenshot below:

This is everything we have for this The Chant controls guide. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestão, por favor, não hesite em nos informar.

Sobre o autor

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