Coisas para saber no capítulo 1 e Capítulo 2 no reino dos anos oitenta

Guia Básico dos Anos 80 do Reino: Este guia foi escrito principalmente para pessoas que já jogaram outros jogos da série Kingdom, pois vou me concentrar nas coisas exclusivas do Reino dos anos oitenta. Atualizarei este guia enquanto reproduzo os capítulos.

Capítulo 1

Situado em um acampamento de verão, you recruit kids and give them bows or hammers to make them into archers or builders.

Do tasks to recruit teens and unlock new upgrades/buildings. NOTA: Doing almost anything related to the teens will trigger a blood moon (getting the trophy, etc.), so wait a bit until you’re prepared for that.

The teens you recruit will dash/speed into the greed and push them back for you, sometimes even killing them.

Since you can’t build towers of any kind, there is no reason to not expand your walls as aggressively as you can. Também, recruiting places do not disappear if you clear out the surrounding trees.

There are three different bikes you can find on the island (camp?):

  1. The bike outside a cabin with a mask. Unsure of how this bike is special as I did not really use it as much. Looks cool, no entanto.
  2. A yellow bike next to a bus stop. This bike has two gears, one having a speed boost in the grass, and the other having a speed boost in the forest. You switch between the gears by double tapping shift.
  3. ET bike! There is a spaceship you can only unlock on blood moons, and this will give you a bike with a greedlet in the front basket (like from the ET movie). This bike can do a leap forward/into the air. Costs quite a bit of gold, no entanto, como 8 ou 10? to unlock.

To destroy portals, buy the trash container/dumpster and have the jokey teen push it to the portal, effectively protecting the kids as they shoot at the portal. The dumpsters can be dragged in either direction, so don’t worry if it looks like you can only get the dumpster on one side. The builder kid can repair it, and you can spend one coin to place it more or less anywhere, making it into a wall.

The different jobs around the camp can be done by any kid, with or without a job, so don’t worry about that.

The end portal that’s all gooey and on the side with the beach (what’s usually the pier and can be turned into a lighthouse) will leave behind an upgrade to your money pouch when destroyed.

To get the canoe back, buy a dumpster and drag it to the big end portal, and walk into it with a bunch of archers and three builders. Kill the greed and big greed things inside (won’t take too much, at least not on the first island), and then buy the canoe. IMPORTANTE: You have to escort the canoe back, so DO NOT leave the dumpster behind; this causes the builders to drop the canoe, and you have to redo the whole thing.

That’s all I’ve found for Chapter 1! I might have missed something, Deixe-me saber nos comentários.

Capítulo 2

Now you’re in the town! Kids are now recruited from playgrounds.

There’s just one teen to recruit, a nerd type playing an arcade machine. He gives you the ability to buy laser guns, which you can build around the map. The guns can be upgraded with a protective cover thing, but it does not seem to upgrade the firepower of the laser. The upgraded part also gets smashed to pieces by the greed, but the laser itself gets spared. It also does not require anyone to operate.

The lasers have three different forms:

  1. Small pews
  2. Bigger and slow arc projectile
  3. Straight up laser

The smaller pew guns are great for the standard greed, and the laser is better against the bigger guys as it also has a slight knockback effect.

On top of this, the nerd can also build a portable laser that you can bring with you with the dumpster when you want to destroy portals.

The end portal to the right (the beach one) does not give any upgrades or towers, so feel free to skip it entirely if you want.

Once you have the nerd, he can lower the bridge to the left so you can leave to the next area. There is no portal after, so once you walk enough to that side, you’ll automatically progress to the next chapter.

There are two bikes to be found:

  1. A skateboard! It might seem a little underwhelming, but it picks up speed fast and retains it with a lot of momentum. Also does not get slower in the forest.
  2. A mini truck. Bought at the birthday party. It is not super fast, but you can double tap shift for a temporary speed boost and feel very American.

There is also a dog to be found next to your parents’ casa, but be careful because he will get kidnapped by the greed if you give them the chance, and it does not seem like you can get him back.

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