Nós estivemos aqui para sempre

We Were Here Forever Guia de controles e combinações de teclas

Total Mayhem Games has officially launched their newest adventure-exploration video game, Nós estivemos aqui para sempre. O jogo está atualmente disponível no PC e consoles, and if you’re one of the players who are just getting started with the game, this guide will cover the basic We Were Here Forever controls that you should know.

We Were Here Forever Controls

Para começar este guia, here are the default key bindings and shortcuts of the game for Windows PC. You can find the control keys for the PlayStation and Xbox versions after this one.

Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
PularBarra de espaço
agacharCtrl esquerdo
CorridaDesvio à esquerda
Wave Emote1
Point Emote2
roda de emotesT
Inventory LeftQ
Inventory RightE
Pressione para falarBotão direito do mouse
Zoom da câmeraRoda do mouse
Toggle TorchR
InteragirBotão esquerdo do mouse
We Were Here Forever Controls

Agora, for the controls for the console version of We Were Here Forever, Confira a lista abaixo.

MovimentoStick analógico esquerdo
roda de emotesx
Inventory LeftLIBRA
Inventory RightRB
Olhar em voltaAnalógico Direito
Pressione para falarLT
Zoom da câmeraD-Pad para baixo
Toggle TorchD-Pad para cima
We Were Here Forever Gamepad Controls

E é isso. If you want to modify and remap these We Were Here Forever key bindings and shortcuts, simply click the gear icon on the upper left of the screen. This will bring up the settings section of the game. Agora, click the Keyboard and Mouse option to remap the keys on the PC or the Controller option to remap the default gamepad controls.

We Were Here Forever is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X e S, and Microsoft Windows via Steam and Epic Games Store.

Sobre o autor

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