A Tale of Paper

A Tale of Paper Controls for PC, اكس بوكس, و PlayStation

Developer Open House Games and publisher Digerati have officially launched their newest puzzle-platformer game, A Tale of Paper. في اللعبة, you will be playing a magical character that has the ability to transform paper into different shapes.

There are a lot of challenges and puzzles that you need to solve, which is why you should be aware of the game’s basics. بالحديث عن هذا الموضوع, we recommend that you first learn the controls for A Tale of Paper. Read on as we show you the list of controls for the game.

A Tale of Paper Controls

The game is currently available on consoles and PC. لبدء هذا الدليل, here are the default A Tale of Paper key bindings.

تحرك لأسفلس
تحرك يساراأ
تحرك يميناد
التحولاته, F, س, كنترول
قائمة الإيقاف المؤقتخروج
A Tale of Paper Controls

Apart from the keyboard controls, the developer has also confirmed that A Tale of Paper has full controller support. This only means that you should be able to play the game without facing any major controller issues.

حاليا, for the Xbox version of the game, check out the controls below:

حركةالعصا التناظرية اليسرى
TransformationX, ص, ب
آلة تصويرالحق التناظرية عصا
قائمة الإيقاف المؤقتزر القائمة
A Tale of Paper Xbox Controls

بالنسبة للبلاي ستيشن 4 و PlayStation 5 الإصدارات, we will be updating this post once we get the details. بدلاً عن ذلك, you can refer to the corresponding buttons from the Xbox controls.

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