مات في وضح النهار

مات في وضح النهار – What is Camping and Tunneling

Dead by Daylight’s most beloved mechanics are explained in simple terms. Below are some friendly asked questions for beginners.

What is tunneling?

Tunneling is when a killer repeatedly hooks the same survivor while ignoring all others.

What is camping?

Camping is when a killer stays close to a hooked survivor, making it difficult for other survivors to rescue them, and/or to get a “حر” hit or down.

Is tunneling bannable?

لا, tunneling is not against the rules and can be a viable strategy in certain situations.

Is camping bannable?

لا, camping is not against the rules and can be a viable strategy in certain situations.

هذا الدليل حول مات في وضح النهار كتب بواسطة Ash J. Skillcheck. يمكنك زيارة المنشور الأصلي من هذا حلقة الوصل. إذا كان لديك أي مخاوف بشأن هذا الدليل, من فضلك لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا هنا.

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