Death's Door

Death’s Door Save Game and Configuration File Location

This guide will help you locate the Death’s Door save game location, as well as the location of the configuration file of the game. اذا أنت’re planning to make some changes or modify the date of your Death’s Door saves, ثم تحقق من الدليل المذكور أدناه.

Death’s Door Save Game Location

The game is available on both Windows OS and Linux OS on PC. Depending on the platform you are using, here is where you can find your save game data files.

Windows OS

%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Acid Nerve\DeathsDoor\SAVEDATA

Linux OS via Steam Play

Steam Folder/steamapps/compatdata/894020/pfx/

Death’s Door Configuration File Location

Here is the location of the configuration file of Death’s Door on both Windows OS and Linux OS.

Windows OS

%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Acid Nerve\DeathsDoor

Linux OS via Steam Play

Steam Folder/steamapps/compatdata/894020/pfx/

عن المؤلف

ويليام من عشاق السيارات. عندما كان لا يزال طفلا, يحضره والده دائمًا إلى مسابقة سباقات الفورمولا 4. حاليا, إنه من أشد المعجبين بألعاب السباقات.