أهداف نطاق إطلاق النار في Fortnite

موسم Fortnite 10 مواقع الرماية المستهدفة: أين يمكن العثور على هدف نطاق الرماية?

موسم Fortnite 10 أسبوع 9 is here and Epic Games has released a new set of challenges in the game. This week, players are tasked to complete challenges that will be focused to test your accuracy in the Fortnite.

جزء من ال Land on Different Bullseye challenge, another challenge called Hit Easy and Hard Firing Range Targets is challenging your accuracy in Fortnite.

All Firing Range Targets Locations

To complete this mission, you need to find the Firing Range Targets that are scattered in the map and hit them. These targets are a little bit small, so spotting them is not an easy task. To help you complete this challenge, we already located all the Firing Range Targets and all you need to do is visit these locations and hit them.

موسم Fortnite 10 - Firing Range Targets Locations
موسم Fortnite 10 – Firing Range Targets Locations

This challenge has two missionsHit Easy Firing Range Targets where you only need to hit 1 target and the Hit Hard Firing Range Targets that requires you to hit 4 targets.

بعد أن قال ذلك, completing the hard challenge means you will also complete the easy challenge.

عن المؤلف

يعد إيرل أحد هؤلاء اللاعبين الذين سيلعبون أي ألعاب جديدة تقريبًا. لكنه يفضل أكثر لعب FPS وألعاب العالم المفتوح.