Hell Pie

Hell Pie Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Sluggerfly and Headup have finally released their newest single-player video game, Hell Pie. في اللعبة, you will be playing as Nate, ال “Demon of Bad Taste,” and your goal is to gather all the needed ingredients for Satan’s birthday pie.

لكن, there are lots of challenges that you will be facing before you obtain all of the requirements. To help you achieve this goal, this page will show you the full list of Hell Pie controls. كما نعلم جميعا, having basic knowledge is the start of everything.

Hell Pie Controls

أدناه, you can find the default Hell Pie key bindings and shortcuts. You can rebind these default controls in the settings section of the game.

تقدم إلى الأمامدبليو
تحرك للخلفس
تحرك يميناد
تحرك يساراأ
القفزSpace Bar
هجومزر الفأرة الايسر
اندفاعاليسار Ctrl
Use Nugget / هدفزر الماوس الايمن
First Person Viewس
Open Menuخروج
Open Overviewم
Select Hornsفاتورة غير مدفوعة
يستخدم / تفاعله
Use Hornsالتحول الأيسر
Vertical Nugget ThrowAlt الأيسر
Ground SlamF
Nugget Fartالخامس
Answer Chef Callج
Hell Pie Controls

بصرف النظر عن دعم الماوس ولوحة المفاتيح, the game developer has also confirmed that Hell Pie has full controller support. This only means that you can enjoy Hell Pie using a gamepad controller.

Here’s the default in-game controls screenshot using a controller:

This is everything you need to know about the Hell Pie controls. In case we missed any important control keys, من فضلك لا تتردد في إخبارنا. Make sure that you also inform us if you have any suggestions to improve this guide.

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