Horizon Zero Dawn

How to Skip the Horizon Zero Dawn Intro on PC

Originally released for PlayStation 4, Horizon Zero Dawn has finally arrived on Windows PC. While the game is already more than 3 سنة, it’s the first time for the PC players to play the Horizon Zero Dawn. The game has been offering a lot of amazing features and cinematics and one of these cinematics can be found in the first part of the game.

تمامًا مثل أي لعبة فيديو أخرى, players don’t have to do too much during the cinematic scenes. Seeing a video game cinematic is quite fun but some people may want to skip this part if possible. لذا, how can you skip the intro in Horizon Zero Dawn on PC?

Skipping the intro in Horizon Zero Dawn on Windows PC can be done with just a few clicks. When the intro stars, all you have to do is use the ALT + F4 combo on your keyboard. This keyboard combo is a shortcut to close a program, but that doesn’t easily work on Horizon Zero Dawn.

Instead of closing the program, you will be receiving a pop-up asking if you want to quit and close the game. Once this happens, all you need to do is to select no. Right after declining, you will find yourself in the main menu of the game. هناك, you can start playing Horizon Zero Dawn normally.

عن المؤلف

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