Metal Mind

Metal Mind Update 1.0.7 ملاحظات التصحيح

Whirllaxy Studio has just announced the Metal Mind update 1.0.7, and players can now download this new patch for free. This is a minor update that fixes some of the bugs and several issues in the game, such as the concerns with the heat dissipation failure, text adjustments, و اكثر.

للأسف, the total download file size for this patch is not revealed. لكن, given that this update aims to address a few issues in the game, players should only be getting a small-sized download. لمعرفة المزيد عن هذا التصحيح, تحقق من ملاحظات الإصدار الكاملة أدناه.

Metal Mind Update 1.0.7 ملاحظات التصحيح

  • Fixed the bug of heat dissipation failure|caused by the transformation skill value
  • Adjusted the text of the Enhance(متقدم) مهارات
  • Adjusted the drop rate of (مفتوحة) Enhance modifications

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