One Piece Luffy Holding Flag

One Piece Sees Unexpected Incident In Wano Arc Act 3; Where is Luffy and the Others?

With so many events and revelation happened in the previous chapter, Eiichiro Oda’s top hit One Piece manga has returned to the Wano Arc. الفصل قطعة واحدة 958 marks the start of the Wano Arc Act 3 and with its arrival, many fans are shocked to the unexpected events happened in this chapter.

One Piece Wano Arc Act 2 has a good ending showing all the preparation that Luffy and the others planned for their raid to Onigashima. لكن, it was seen that Shogun Orochi have intel about their plans.

بالطبع, fans are curious about what will be the actions of the Shogun and during the post-Reverie event and the previous chapters, Orochi makes a move before the scheduled attack.

As seen in this chapter, the members of the Nine Red Scabbards gathered at the Port Tokage, the meeting place, but they found no one in the area and it seems that the port has been attacked. No ships, no soldiers. Luffy and the other allies were also missing in the port. Kinemon tried to reach them but they heard nothing in return.

حالياً, the chapter did not reveal what exactly happened but Shogun Orochi revealed that an incident occurred the night before the Fire Festival.

Where is Luffy? What happened to all the soldiers that they recruited from the Udon prison? Let’s see how things unfold when One Piece Chapter 959 إطلاق.

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بيلي هو من محبي الأنمي المهووسين. يحب قراءة المانغا ومشاهدة الرسوم المتحركة في أوقات فراغه. سلسلة الأنمي والمانغا المفضلة لديه هي One Piece وHunter x Hunter.