يقدم PS Store نظام تصنيف 5 نجوم لألعاب PlayStation الخاصة بك

TL;دكتور: قامت شركة Sony بتحديث متجر PS Store بنظام تصنيف الخمس نجوم لألعاب PS4 وPS5, السماح للمستخدمين بتقييم الألعاب التي يمتلكونها, and you can find this feature by selectingView Producton a game’s page.

Product pages on the PS Store got a makeover from Sony. They added a new five-star rating system that lets users give ratings to their PlayStation games. It’s a bit unclear when they introduced this, but people started noticing it in the last 12 ساعات.

To use it, go to the PS Store, find the game you’re interested in, and click onView Product.You’ll see the game’s rating under the logo. Click on it for more details. The next screen will show you how many ratings the game has and a breakdown of how many people gave it each score. You can only rate games you’ve bought, downloaded, or added to your library.

It’s a cool new feature, but are you planning to use it on the PS Store? اسمحوا لنا أن نعرف في التعليقات أدناه.

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