Super Algebrawl Achievements Walkthrough Guide

A quick reference guide with pointers for where to go and what to look for to get this game’s achievements.

مقدمة (TL;دكتور)

Super Algebrawl is both very fun and not particularly difficult to get achievements for with a little luck and persistence. Nothing here is particularly nasty, and you can walk out satisfied in (by my estimate) 6-10 ساعات, depending on how naturally math comes to you. This isn’t meant to be a strategy guide, but here’s a few tips and interactions that helped me out as I went along:

  • The permanent skill Pawns (you can Add enemies) is absolutely bonkers good. Making a single huge guy is generally a lot easier than making two medium-huge guys, and being able to add problematic enemies (like the final boss) together can eliminate special skill headaches.
  • Speaking of skills, your guysskills can be an entire gameplan on their own. If you Clone or Split a unit that hasn’t burned its skill, the extra unit will also have a skill to burn. Combine this with the badger who has Cleave, and you can repeatedly halve any enemy into oblivion without thinking, على سبيل المثال.
  • Splitting a 1-unit will give you two 1-unitsvery handy for manipulating numbers, cleaning up, and getting the Mouse Family achievement.
  • Rewind is free and unlimited. Test things out and go back if they didn’t work or if you forgot some niche interaction. This is also handy for keeping a run going after getting one of the miscellaneous achievements; you can toast your squad completely to get the achievement, then completely rewind to the start of the fight and play it out successfully instead.
  • Don’t forget that your guys can attack one another! Using the smaller mice to knock the bigger ones down before multiplication can help a lot.
  • The initial spell choice is a false one. Split is the best of the three. Do not be fooled.

إنجازات الإنجاز

Fractal Grove: Rule the Fractal Grove

Epsilon Estuary: Rule the Epsilon Estuary

Binary Bay: Rule the Binary Bay

Each of these is awarded for your first win on each of the three routes you can take. Anecdotally, Epsilon Estuary was the hardest for me, despite being second in the list.

Formation: يجتمع 10 النجوم

الولاء: يجتمع 20 النجوم

Perfection: يجتمع 30 النجوم

Each helper you turn off before a run gives you bonus stars. 30 stars are awarded for being all three routes with no helpers enabled for them over any number of attempts. I recommend not paying any attention to other achievements while doing the star clears.

إنجازات متنوعة

For all of these, I recommend turning all helpers on to make things way easier. Your advisor (the vulture) lets you trade health for various things which will smooth these out a lot. Unless stated otherwise, I recommend running Binary Bay for the immediate three treasures after the first fight, after which you can mulligan the run if you didn’t get close to what you wanted. If you’re not super confident in your math skills, or just want to turn your brain off and vibe, go for the Fractal Grove instead. It’ll take a little longer, but most of these are perfectly doable there as well. I’ll include a list of useful loot after each achievement in roughly descending order of utility as well. Remember that if there are no useful options at a loot page, Piri the squirrel can be used for fishing up extra copies of spells.

Raw Power: Get a soldier with 100000+ hp

Easy to get. Liam (ال 100 pointer) is a good starting base, but any time you’ve got multiple copies of any combination of Clone and Power you’re close. You’ll absolutely want to rewind after doing thisthere’s nothing in the game big enough to throw a 100000 guy into.

Useful loot: قوة, Liam, استنساخ, Multiply, Cytra, انشق، مزق, Triad

Mouse Family: Have a mouse for each number from 1 إلى 9

Note that this means a

الفأر of each number, not simply a unit of each number. You start out with 2 خلال 6 with helpers on, و 7 خلال 9 are all available as loot. To get a 1 pointer mouse, you can use two copies of Split and an Add to turn a 2 into two 1s, then turn a 1 into two 1s, then add them to be left with a 1 و أ 2. You can also split a 3 into a 2 و أ 1, or many other possibilities. للأسف, mice are very low on the priority list that determines who’s fronted after combining guys, so you can’t rely on the bunny’s clone or adding small guys to make bigger mice. One useful interaction if you’re missing a mouse and have the next one in sequence is to Clone the N+1th mouse and have your advisor attack the clone.

Useful loot: Various mice, استنساخ, انشق، مزق, حماسة

Hypnotize: يملك 3 monsters in your army

This just means any three living enemies on your side of the field at any one time, including in post-battle victory before you move on. Restart Binary Bay until you’re offered Crown in the initial bonanza, then convert three enemies the first time you fight three or more. Trivial. You could nominally replicate this with three copies of Enrol, but getting that is a much more difficult task.

Useful loot: تاج, Enrol

Raid: يملك 15+ soldiers in your army

Straightforward. Anything that adds guys, including the mercenaries you can pay your advisor for, contributes to this. Get more guys and more spells that make more guys (the 3x Split loot pick is a godsend here) and it’ll come faster than you know it. Remember that if you split or clone the bunny before using his own built-in clone skill, each of the copies of the bunny will be able to clone themselves, and any copies you make of them before using his skill will also all be able to clone, essentially doubling the number of guys each spell will give you and making this super easy to get.

Useful loot: Cytra, انشق، مزق, استنساخ

Divine: Finish a stage with at least 3+ permanent skills

These are the non-unit non-spell buffs that appear in the lower-right corner after you pick them. My recommendation is to just slam through Fractal Grove and pick every skill that comes up, since you’ll be building suboptimally and Fractal Grove is comparably really forgiving, but you can do it on any stage if you want.

Useful loot: نحن سوف, المهارات, obviously

عسر الهضم: Get a worm with 1000+ hp

This one isn’t hard so much as it’s fiddly to get. Getting a worm on your side (via Crown or Enrol) is not difficult, but the problem is that the worm is super low on the priority list for adding/multiplying, below even the mice. The resultant 1000+ pointer must be fronting the worm sprite with or without an eaten unit, so you need to get tricky. One of the few units that’s lower than the worm on the priority list is the mercenaries that you can pay your advisor to summon, and fortunately the bigger one of those is a massive 50.

The easiest way to do this is to get the Crown or Enrol and find a worm, then get the worm on your side with at least a Multiply and a Split unused, إلى جانب 8+ health left on your boss. Pay your advisor for the 50 pointer mercenary and the extra copy of Multiply, Multiply the worm and the mercenary, Split the resultant worm, and Multiply it with itself. As long as the worm has at least 2 health left when you convert it, the final worm will be well over a thousand points and your achievement will pop.

Note that the worm seems to spawn far more (possibly exclusively?) in the Epsilon Estuary.

Useful loot : تاج, Enrol


على ما يرام, شكرًا, bye.

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